German prosecution investigates RS president for corruption

The Prosecution in Munich will launch an investigation in the case of Hypo Alpe Adria Bank in Banja Luka and Republic of Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik.

Izvor: Beta

Thursday, 15.11.2012.


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MUNICH The Prosecution in Munich will launch an investigation in the case of Hypo Alpe Adria Bank in Banja Luka and Republic of Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik. The German prosecution is investigating Dodik and his son Igor for several criminal offenses, writes. German prosecution investigates RS president for corruption According to the news outlet, it has officially been confirmed that Dodik and his son are under the investigation of the German prosecution for their connections with a corruption affair in Hypo Alpe Adria Bank in Banja Luka. Igor Dodik is also investigated for a secret account in the bank. According to a property card from July 2012, he had about EUR 5.4mn deposited in the account. According to, the German judiciary took over the case from the RS after it refused to investigate it. The Main Prosecution in Munich confirmed on November 5, 2012 that it had ordered the Higher Prosecution to launch a proceeding in the case against Hypo Alpe Adria Bank, Milorad and Igor Dodik for several criminal offenses, including falsifying of documents, faking financial and business reports and fraud. The bank’s employees’ statements clearly show that the offenses were committed by the bank’s top officials and they were therefore committed by the bank as an institution, says the Prosecution. Although the Bosnia-Herzegovina judiciary initially took on the case after the complaint had been filed, political pressures soon stopped the judicial bodies and the police in the RS, writes Sarajevo-based daily Oslobodjenje. The daily points out that Dodik influenced the RS judiciary to stop the proceedings against him in the Hypo Alpe Adria Bank case. Milorad Dodik (FoNet, file) Beta

German prosecution investigates RS president for corruption

According to the news outlet, it has officially been confirmed that Dodik and his son are under the investigation of the German prosecution for their connections with a corruption affair in Hypo Alpe Adria Bank in Banja Luka.

Igor Dodik is also investigated for a secret account in the bank. According to a property card from July 2012, he had about EUR 5.4mn deposited in the account.

According to, the German judiciary took over the case from the RS after it refused to investigate it.

The Main Prosecution in Munich confirmed on November 5, 2012 that it had ordered the Higher Prosecution to launch a proceeding in the case against Hypo Alpe Adria Bank, Milorad and Igor Dodik for several criminal offenses, including falsifying of documents, faking financial and business reports and fraud.

The bank’s employees’ statements clearly show that the offenses were committed by the bank’s top officials and they were therefore committed by the bank as an institution, says the Prosecution.

Although the Bosnia-Herzegovina judiciary initially took on the case after the complaint had been filed, political pressures soon stopped the judicial bodies and the police in the RS, writes Sarajevo-based daily Oslobođenje. The daily points out that Dodik influenced the RS judiciary to stop the proceedings against him in the Hypo Alpe Adria Bank case.

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