Vucic meets with Romanian and Bulgarian counterparts

Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania will be able to best protect their interests together, Serbian Prime Minister said on Friday in Craiova, Romania.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 24.04.2015.


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Vucic meets with Romanian and Bulgarian counterparts

“Together, we can do a lot. Jointly, we'll be able to protect our political and economic interests in the best manner”, Vucic wrote on his Twitter account.

"A historical thing - we are creating the Craiova Group for Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria to act together on all important political and economic issues," he wrote.

The topics of the trilateral meeting also included Serbia's EU path, which Borisov said is supported by both Bulgaria and Romania.

"Together we are stronger and we should unite, make joint political decisions and issue declarations on subjects important for our countries: energy, gas infrastructure and transport," Borisov told a press conference after the meeting, the Bulgarian Focus news agency reported.

Borisov also "underscored that cooperation in infrastructural projects is exceptionally important," adding that he wishes to see the Bucharest-Sofia-Belgrade motorway built as soon as possible, as well as fast railway tracks to Turkey.

"The projects are good not just for our three countries, but also for the entire Europe," Borisov said.

Addressing the joint news conference after the talks, Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta announced the constitution of the Craiova Group which will serve as the cornerstone of better cooperation and promotion of economic, social and political interests of the three countries.

"We are also open to other Western Balkan countries because we can achieve much more united," Ponta underscored.

Bulgaria, Serbia and Romania should be more coordinated and united than ever in all our approaches on the European level, Romania's Agerpres News Agency quoted Ponta as saying.

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