"Serbia not endangered, respects EU"

Aleksandar Vučić says Serbia respects the EU and takes seriously the message from Brussels, but is not "endangered" because of its trade relations with Russia.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 22.08.2014.


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"Serbia not endangered, respects EU"

Vučić said the government did not receive a demarche from the EU - "but an aide-memoire," where the organization said it would view export subsidies, government loans or guarantees for exports to Russia "as unfair and hostile behavior."

All this comes after Russia, in response to western sanctions against it, banned import of food from the EU.

"Two days ago in Obrenovac I was handed the aide-memoire by Deputy Head of the EU Office in Belgrade Oskar Benedikt in which the government of Serbia is informed it should refrain from any measures to support exports to Russia. The position is that it should not substantially or significantly expand the share of Serbian exports to the Russian market, replacing exports from the EU," Vučić said.

Vučić added that "Serbia understands this in a very responsible manner and will act responsibly."

"The people of Serbia can be calm and serene and should be aware that Serbia is not endangered in any way, even though it is in a difficult political situation, and in a not-easy economic situation," Vučić said.

He then noted that there was "no need for Serbia to provide additional subsidies to export our goods to Russia."

"We will respect the desire of the EU, (membership) is our strategic goal, it is something that we talked about in the election campaign, something citizens of Serbia have opted for, it is their will and the policy of the government. We will not impose sanction against Russia because that, too, is the policy of the government and my personal policy that I represented in the election campaign. Our strategic path is the path to the EU and for the sake of Serbia and our citizens we must preserve good and friendly relations with Russia," Vučić said.

During the press conference he repeatedly said that Serbia will act in accordance with EU's recommendations, but will not introduce sanctions against Russia.

"Serbia has nothing to do with the conflict in Ukraine, we want peace and for peace to be established there, and I'd just like to announce that we will take action against those few dozen volunteers who went to Ukraine to fight for one side or the other. We respect the sovereignty of Ukraine and Serbia acts in a principled manner on the issue of Ukraine, and on the issue of Bosnia-Herzegovina and any country, that is, internationally recognized and sovereign territory," said the prime minister.

He also repeatedly noted that Serbia is ready to comply with the policies of the EU and wants to have good relations with Russia.

"I have to say that in the message of the EU I did not understand one word - and that is 'solidarity' with member-states. Solidarity in what? Well nobody asked us anything when they were introducing sanctions against Russia, nor were we asked anything by anyone about Russia's counter-sanctions. Is it possible that we who are not guilty of anything and who have not been asked anything, well is it possible we could be blamed by both sides," Vučić asked.

Vučić also appealed on farmers and businesspeople to be developing production, "both for us, and for Russia."

He stressed that "Serbia will not worry about the problems of others," and wondered why the country was being criticized, "when some are selling tanks to Ukraine, and others ships to Russia, despite the crisis."

Asked whether the state will try and prevent farmers from "exporting all they have to Russia while creating shortages and price hikes in Serbia," Vučić replied:

"Serbia will not go hungry. Of course there are poor people (here), there are poor people in America, but the country will not be left without food, there's no fear of that. Our problem is cattle farming and we must work on that."

"No subsidies, no sanctions, no halt of exports"

Aleksandar Vučić says he expects the European Union "to keep its promise regarding the opening of Chapters 32 and 35 in the EU accession talks by the end of the year."

"As long as I am the prime minister, we will respect the interests of others, but we will address our own issues first. Serbia has in mind the interest of its citizens, it does not offend anyone, it respects everyone. Serbia is on the path to EU membership, but we expect the EU to keep its promise and open Chapters 32 and 35 by the end of the year,“ Vučić told a press conference.

He warned the exporters "not to play games" and try repacking goods from the EU in order to export them to the Russian market.

"Do not even think you can repack the goods and trick Russia and the EU. Nobody should even consider doing that. We will not halt our production and exports, but we will not introduce any new subsidies either. Our largest trade partner is the EU,“ said Vučić

Vučić was also quoted as saying by Tanjug that he "expects no European Union sanctions in the wake of the current situation," and noted that he sees Serbia as "a successful and modern country," and added that he expects it to have "highest economic growth rate in Europe in 2016."

"I expect no sanctions, and Serbia is not losing anything through this. Whether Serbia can gain anything has nothing to do with either Russia or the Europeans, but with ourselves," Vučić said.

"I have said that several times already, and it just means that we know well what we are doing, and our people must understand that," Vučić told a press conference when asked if he "expects the EU to impose any kind of sanctions on Serbia."

The success of our country depends on us and our work, the measures we take and our commitment, Vučić said.

"Without that, there will be no results either," Vučić stressed, adding that "our destiny is in our own hands."

"No mention"

Aleksandar Vučić stated on Friday that the EU aide-memoire does not contain any points that directly cover Air Serbia which operated with profit this year and which will help Serbia make money and not record losses as was the case in previous years.

There is no direct point in the request, Vučić said addressing a news conference in response to the question as to whether the request delivered by the EU contains any mention of Air Serbia.

He noted that he can proudly say that the number of passengers transported by Air Serbia increased by 82 percent since July 2013 to July 2014, which is a European record high.

According to Vučić, the solutions concerning airport expansion and construction of the second landing strip will soon be made public.

“We believe that Belgrade could become the biggest regional hub by the end of the 2016 or 2017,” Vučić said, adding that Etihad Airways Director James Hogan should present the results in September, while the report should be completed in December and January 2015.

As of 2014, Air Serbia has become lucrative and it will help Serbia make money instead of record losses as was the case in the past years, he said.

Expressing gratitude to the European Commission for the assistance concerning the agreement with Etihad Airways, Vučić said that he expects them to continue maintaining a fair attitude as they have done so far.

"Dogs of war"

Aleksandar Vučić once again called on all Serbian citizens fighting in Ukraine to return to their country, stressing that appropriate measures will be taken against them should they refuse to do so.

All those who choose to ignore this demand will be arrested and imprisoned in accordance with the law, Vučić told reporters at the Serbian government.

"Serbia is not at war with anyone. Serbia does not want to wage wars, but to build a better and a different state, in peace,” the prime minister said.

He called on Serbian citizens involved in the Ukrainian conflict, no matter on whose side, to return to the country immediately and preserve their lives, stressing that the number of such individuals is small.

The wars in Syria and Ukraine are not our wars, and Serbia should in no way whatsoever be involved in them, said Vučić.

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