“EU wants results of dialogue, not recognition of Kosovo”

Head of the Belgrade team Borislav Stefanović stated Friday that there would certainly be no new conditions on Serbia's EU pathway.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 17.06.2011.


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Head of the Belgrade team Borislav Stefanovic stated Friday that there would certainly be no new conditions on Serbia's EU pathway. He said this commenting on statements of certain EU officials made in the past several days that the solving of the Kosovo issue was necessary for Serbia's EU membership. “EU wants results of dialogue, not recognition of Kosovo” "What Brussels requests, and what has been reiterated in the past few days in the statements of certain EU officials, is nothing new for Belgrade, and we take it as request for the talks with Pristina to continue, and that concrete solutions should be found," Stefanovic told Tanjug on Friday. He also added that there were no other conditions. Serbian Ministry for Kosovo State Secretary Oliver Ivanovic and professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences Predrag Simic agree with Stefanovic. “Belgrade and Pristina are urged to continue talks in Brussels, but Serbia is not obliged to recognize Kosovo at any point in the process,” Ivanovic told Tanjug. "The EU insists that certain vital issues should be resolved, and nothing more. I do not think that they insist on the status, as status issue is not solvable. So far, there are 76 countries that have recognized Kosovo's independence, but it is common knowledge that all this does not matter very much without Serbia's recognition," he stressed. Simic has an almost identical explanation. "For as long as there is at least one country that does not recognize Kosovo's independence, it will be important for Brussels to achieve progress in talks, and I believe that no additional conditions will be imposed to Serbia any time soon," he told Tanjug. According to him, the most important thing for Brussels will be the progress in resolving certain issues regarding the life in Kosovo, which are primarily technical ones, and that is why progress should be made as soon as possible. EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule stated in Vienna earlier Friday that there were no new conditions on Serbia's EU pathway, and that the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue needs to bring in concrete results. Borislav Stefanovic (Tanjug, file)

“EU wants results of dialogue, not recognition of Kosovo”

"What Brussels requests, and what has been reiterated in the past few days in the statements of certain EU officials, is nothing new for Belgrade, and we take it as request for the talks with Priština to continue, and that concrete solutions should be found," Stefanović told Tanjug on Friday.

He also added that there were no other conditions.

Serbian Ministry for Kosovo State Secretary Oliver Ivanović and professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences Predrag Simić agree with Stefanović.

“Belgrade and Priština are urged to continue talks in Brussels, but Serbia is not obliged to recognize Kosovo at any point in the process,” Ivanović told Tanjug.

"The EU insists that certain vital issues should be resolved, and nothing more. I do not think that they insist on the status, as status issue is not solvable. So far, there are 76 countries that have recognized Kosovo's independence, but it is common knowledge that all this does not matter very much without Serbia's recognition," he stressed.

Simić has an almost identical explanation.

"For as long as there is at least one country that does not recognize Kosovo's independence, it will be important for Brussels to achieve progress in talks, and I believe that no additional conditions will be imposed to Serbia any time soon," he told Tanjug.

According to him, the most important thing for Brussels will be the progress in resolving certain issues regarding the life in Kosovo, which are primarily technical ones, and that is why progress should be made as soon as possible.

EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule stated in Vienna earlier Friday that there were no new conditions on Serbia's EU pathway, and that the Belgrade-Priština dialogue needs to bring in concrete results.

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