What Radicals really think

Radicals' statement that ties with Montenegro should be broken due to Ceku’s visit are seen as political marketing by other parties.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 06.11.2006.


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What Radicals really think

Serbian parties see these statements as part of the election campaign, while pro-Serb Montenegrin opposition says voicing of such positions can only harm the position of Serbs in Montenegro.

Below is the excerpt from the interview Tomislav Nikolić gave to Kurir:

Nikolić: From the moment Milo Đukanović presented Ceku as Kosovo’s prime minister and officially embraced him as such, Serbia cannot have any sort of relations with Montenegro.

Kurir: What do you mean? You would break all ties?

Nikolić: All. [Introduce] The border, the customs, the visas… anyone who recognizes Kosovo’s independence is Serbia’s worst enemy.

Kurir: What you mean is, war with the rest of the world, isolation…

Nikolić:  Not the war, what I mean is we won’t cooperate with the whole world.

Kurir:  And you would be willing to leave Serbs in Montenegro to their own devices, while you advertize yourselves as their defenders?

Nikolić: All those who are Serbs, will run to Serbia. They should all come here.

Kurir: And that is your Radical solution?

Nikolić: Why not? Those from Croatia and Kosovo escaped here. Serbia will stick this all out. A mother must accept her children. They will not be ruled by Albanians.

However, in a statement given to B92, Nikolić explained that he did not call on Montenegrin Serbs to leave, but rather has said that Serbs will do this of their own accord once “Montenegro becomes a part of the Albanian federation”.

Radicals however maintain that diplomatic relations with those countries that might recognize Kosovo’s independence should be broken.

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