Dialogue with Priština to continue on Sept. 2

The talks between Belgrade and Priština will be continued on September 2, Deputy Prime Minister Božidar Đelić said at a press briefing on Tuesday in Belgrade.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 16.08.2011.


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The talks between Belgrade and Pristina will be continued on September 2, Deputy Prime Minister Bozidar Djelic said at a press briefing on Tuesday in Belgrade. He said that "some want to undermine Serbia's position in Europe and worldwide". Dialogue with Pristina to continue on Sept. 2 “The recent events in Kosovo should be viewed in that context. We will do everything in our power to reach a compromise over the issue of customs stamps, but under no condition will we cross the red lines of our state policy,” Djelic said. The incidents that happened in Kosovo were rather dramatic, and illustrate that unilateral decisions have no effect and cannot produce a solution, he said. “We stand ready to do everything within our power to find a solution for Kosovo's representation in the international organizations, but it has to be in line with Serbia's state interests,” Djelic added. The dialogue between Serbian government representatives and those of the Kosovo Albanians started in March, and is being held in Brussels. Bozidar Djelic (Tanjug, file)

Dialogue with Priština to continue on Sept. 2

“The recent events in Kosovo should be viewed in that context. We will do everything in our power to reach a compromise over the issue of customs stamps, but under no condition will we cross the red lines of our state policy,” Đelić said.

The incidents that happened in Kosovo were rather dramatic, and illustrate that unilateral decisions have no effect and cannot produce a solution, he said.

“We stand ready to do everything within our power to find a solution for Kosovo's representation in the international organizations, but it has to be in line with Serbia's state interests,” Đelić added.

The dialogue between Serbian government representatives and those of the Kosovo Albanians started in March, and is being held in Brussels.

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