Tadić: Talks with Thaci despite accusations

Serbian President Boris Tadić has said that <a href="http://www.b92.net/eng/news/politics-article.php?yyyy=2010&mm=12&dd=14&nav_id=71512" class="text-link" target= "_blank">despite serious accusations</a> leveled at Hashim Thaci, "we are ready to talk with him".

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 15.12.2010.


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Serbian President Boris Tadic has said that despite serious accusations leveled at Hashim Thaci, "we are ready to talk with him". CoE Rapporteur Dick Marty's report identified the outgoing Kosovo Albanian premier as one of those allegedly responsible for kidnapping Serbs and trading with their vital organs, and involvement in other crimes. Tadic: Talks with Thaci despite accusations Boris Tadic says that until these accusations have been proven, "we must talk to anyone whom Kosovo Albanians elect as their legitimate representative". "We have no right to our private opinion when we represent the public interest," the Serbian president was further quoted as saying. He also called on the international community "to take a stance" on the issue, ading that Marty's report "should be checked". In Pristina, Thaci made no comment regarding the grave accusations against him. But his government rejected them, saying that Marty had no proof for his claims, and that he had "no moral credibility". Boris Tadic (Tanjug, file)

Tadić: Talks with Thaci despite accusations

Boris Tadić says that until these accusations have been proven, "we must talk to anyone whom Kosovo Albanians elect as their legitimate representative".

"We have no right to our private opinion when we represent the public interest," the Serbian president was further quoted as saying.

He also called on the international community "to take a stance" on the issue, ading that Marty's report "should be checked".

In Priština, Thaci made no comment regarding the grave accusations against him. But his government rejected them, saying that Marty had no proof for his claims, and that he had "no moral credibility".

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