“U.S. offering friendship to Serbia”

Condoleezza Rice says that America hopes Serbia will accept the solution for Kosovo’s future status.

Izvor: Beta

Thursday, 14.02.2008.


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Condoleezza Rice says that America hopes Serbia will accept the solution for Kosovo’s future status. The U.S. secretary of state told Congress yesterday that America was offering friendship to Serbia at a time when Kosovo Albanian leaders were preparing to declare independence from Serbia. “U.S. offering friendship to Serbia” Association Press reiterated that Serbia had stated that it would never recognize the independence of the province, which has an Albanian population of some 90 percent. AP adds that the U.S. and a majority of EU member-states are set to recognize Kosovo's independence. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will meet with Rice in Washington today, with Kosovo expected to be one of the main topics up for discussion. Condoleezza Rice (FoNet)

“U.S. offering friendship to Serbia”

Association Press reiterated that Serbia had stated that it would never recognize the independence of the province, which has an Albanian population of some 90 percent.

AP adds that the U.S. and a majority of EU member-states are set to recognize Kosovo's independence.

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will meet with Rice in Washington today, with Kosovo expected to be one of the main topics up for discussion.

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