"I'm coming to Belgrade. The goal is that by 2024..."

The EU envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajčak, announced that he will visit Belgrade and Pristina next week.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 02.12.2022.


EPA-EFE Andrej Cukic

"I'm coming to Belgrade. The goal is that by 2024..."

On that occasion, he said that he would speak with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, and the Prime Minister of Pristina's temporary institutions, Albin Kurti.

During these meetings, as Lajcak said in an interview with Pristina's Kanal10 TV, they will discuss how the agreement on license plates is respected, as well as the next steps to normalize relations according to the Franco-German plan.

"I plan to visit Belgrade and Pristina next week and discuss the next steps and then prepare the next high-level meeting between President Vučić and Kurti, which will be fully dedicated to the normalization process," said Lajcak.

He also said that with the latest plate agreement on November 23, there would be no more time limits, but that the parties involved would focus on a broader plan.

According to the EU envoy, the latest agreement avoids further escalation of tensions. He said that the Franco-German proposal will be the main focus of the upcoming meetings in Brussels.

In an interview with another Albanian-language media, RTV21, Lajčak also said that the early spring of 2023 could be the deadline for reaching an agreement between the two sides.

He added that the final solution proposal is a European proposal with the involvement and strong support of Germany and France.

Lajcak said that the goal is to "complete the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia" by the beginning of 2024.

Speaking about the Community of Serbian Municipalities, he said that this was an obligation of Kosovo agreed back in 2013.

"It must be resolved in accordance with this obligation. Serbia's position for now is that this should be a prerequisite for the continuation of the process. Our position, the position of the EU, is that it should be part of the package and that it would be good to resolve it as soon as possible and, in any case, it cannot be conditioned by anything else because it is already an existing determination", said Lajcak.

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