Karadžić in Hague at weekend?

B92 understands that Radovan Karadžić’s ID card in the name of Dragan Dabić was issued in Ruma.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 23.07.2008.


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B92 understands that Radovan Karadzic’s ID card in the name of Dragan Dabic was issued in Ruma. Police are investigating who helped Karadzic obtain a false identity, and, as in the case of Stojan Zupljanin, the possibility that he assumed the identity of a dead man is being looked into. Karadzic in Hague at weekend? Karadzic will be transferred to the Hague at the weekend or early next week, Prosecution spokesman Bruno Vekaric said earlier today. Speaking to B92, Vekaric said that he could not give the exact date for the extradition of the former Bosnian Serb leader, as it depended on the time frames adopted during the the suspect’s planned appeal against his extradition, as announced by his lawyer Svetozar Vujacic. “It’s hard to say exactly what day Karadzic will be extradited. His identity has officially been confirmed. The defense now has three days in which to appeal, which Karadzic’s lawyer has already said he’ll do. Afterwards, the courts have three days in which rule on that appeal, everything finishes with the signature of the interior minister. Realistically, we can expect it to be on Monday or Tuesday, maybe even earlier—it all depends on when the court convenes,“ the spokesman explained. Meanwhile, Vujacic has said that his client will be defending himself in the Hague. “Karadzic will have a legal/expert team in Serbia to help him with his defense, but he will be representing himself at the Hague Tribunal, just as Vojislav Seselj is doing in a such a masterful way,“ the lawyer told journalists in front of the Special Court. He did not rule out the possibility that his client could be transferred to The Hague at the weekend, as Vekaric hinted, and stressed that he would be lodging the appeal against Karadzic’s extradition on Friday. The lawyer explained that he was doing this in order to delay extradition, in order to help his client’s family come and visit the former Bosnian Serb leader in custody in Belgrade. He added that the investigative judge had given the go-ahead for Karadzic’s family to come and visit him, but that International High Representative to Bosnia-Hercegovina Miroslav Lajcak was hampering these efforts. Karadzic’s brother, Luka, told Tanjug that his brother was satisfied with the treatment he was receiving in the custody unit in Belgrade, where he has been since Monday evening. “My brother, the lawyer, and myself have absolutely no complaints about the treatment of the staff there, who have conducted themselves very professionally,“ said Luka Karadzic, adding that he was expecting to visit his brother today. Radovan Karadzic (B92, 2008)

Karadžić in Hague at weekend?

Karadžić will be transferred to the Hague at the weekend or early next week, Prosecution spokesman Bruno Vekarić said earlier today.

Speaking to B92, Vekarić said that he could not give the exact date for the extradition of the former Bosnian Serb leader, as it depended on the time frames adopted during the the suspect’s planned appeal against his extradition, as announced by his lawyer Svetozar Vujačić.

“It’s hard to say exactly what day Karadžić will be extradited. His identity has officially been confirmed. The defense now has three days in which to appeal, which Karadžić’s lawyer has already said he’ll do. Afterwards, the courts have three days in which rule on that appeal, everything finishes with the signature of the interior minister. Realistically, we can expect it to be on Monday or Tuesday, maybe even earlier—it all depends on when the court convenes,“ the spokesman explained.

Meanwhile, Vujačić has said that his client will be defending himself in the Hague.

“Karadžić will have a legal/expert team in Serbia to help him with his defense, but he will be representing himself at the Hague Tribunal, just as Vojislav Šešelj is doing in a such a masterful way,“ the lawyer told journalists in front of the Special Court.

He did not rule out the possibility that his client could be transferred to The Hague at the weekend, as Vekarić hinted, and stressed that he would be lodging the appeal against Karadžić’s extradition on Friday.

The lawyer explained that he was doing this in order to delay extradition, in order to help his client’s family come and visit the former Bosnian Serb leader in custody in Belgrade.

He added that the investigative judge had given the go-ahead for Karadžić’s family to come and visit him, but that International High Representative to Bosnia-Hercegovina Miroslav Lajčak was hampering these efforts.

Karadžić’s brother, Luka, told Tanjug that his brother was satisfied with the treatment he was receiving in the custody unit in Belgrade, where he has been since Monday evening.

“My brother, the lawyer, and myself have absolutely no complaints about the treatment of the staff there, who have conducted themselves very professionally,“ said Luka Karadžić, adding that he was expecting to visit his brother today.

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