Serbian patriarch travels to Kosovo

Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Irinej will today be visiting the Patriarchy of Peć in the west of the province.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 18.06.2010.


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Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Irinej will today be visiting the Patriarchy of Pec in the west of the province. He will be accompanied by Minister for Kosovo Goran Bogdanovic and Minister of Religion Bogoljub Sijakovic, it has been announced. Serbian patriarch travels to Kosovo Patriarch Irinej and the ministers will visit the priests and monks of the Pec Patriarchy, Tanjug reported. This will be the first visit of the new patriarch to Pec since his entronement at the Cathedral Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Belgrade on January 24. Irinej is to have a ceremonial enthronement in Pec as well in October this year. The patriarchy has been the seat of Serbian patriarchs for centuries. It was built in the 13th and 14th centuries as represents one of the most important monuments of Serb heritage. Since 2006, it has been placed under protection of UNESCO. Since the end of the 1999 war in the province, the patriarchate complex is guarded by KFOR's Italian troops. Patriarch Irinej (FoNet, file)

Serbian patriarch travels to Kosovo

Patriarch Irinej and the ministers will visit the priests and monks of the Peć Patriarchy, Tanjug reported.

This will be the first visit of the new patriarch to Peć since his entronement at the Cathedral Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Belgrade on January 24. Irinej is to have a ceremonial enthronement in Peć as well in October this year.

The patriarchy has been the seat of Serbian patriarchs for centuries.

It was built in the 13th and 14th centuries as represents one of the most important monuments of Serb heritage. Since 2006, it has been placed under protection of UNESCO.

Since the end of the 1999 war in the province, the patriarchate complex is guarded by KFOR's Italian troops.

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