Czech Christian Democrats against recognition

The Czech Christian Democrats still refuse to recognize Kosovo's secession, the media in that country say.

Izvor: ÈTK

Tuesday, 01.04.2008.


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The Czech Christian Democrats still refuse to recognize Kosovo's secession, the media in that country say. The party explained that "at the moment and on the given conditions" this was unacceptable, and their ministers will not support the proposal in the government. Czech Christian Democrats against recognition The CTK quotes party spokesman Martin Horalek, who spoke after a meeting of the party leadership today. The question demands a further discussion, he added. "If Kosovo's recognition is submitted in the government, our ministers will not back it," KDU-CSL first deputy chairman Roman Linek said. Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg (for the Greens) intends to submit the proposal to the government on Wednesday. The Christian Democrats are of the view that Kosovo's recognition could be another of the steps that might destabilize the ethnically divided region. They are afraid this would violate the border guaranteed after World War Two and worsen excellent relations between the Czech Republic and Serbia with a tradition from the former Yugoslavia, Horalek said. The Christian Democrats believe that Kosovo's recognition could set a precedent and shore up further separatist movements such as those of the Basks in Spain and France, Kurds in Turkey and Iraq, Hungarians in southern Slovakia and Irish in Northern Ireland, he added. "This is one of the major steps about which a thorough discussion should be led," the Christian Democrats said. Kosovo's recognition is rejected by the opposition Social Democrats and Communists and by some coalition politicians. Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek (the Civic Democratic Party, ODS) says it would be "more tactical to recognize Kosovo now". Kosovo unilaterally declared independence from Serbia on February 17. Its independence has been recognized by some 30 countries, while states such as Spain, Cyprus, Greece, Russia, China and Slovakia are opposed to the idea, the CTK says.

Czech Christian Democrats against recognition

The ČTK quotes party spokesman Martin Horalek, who spoke after a meeting of the party leadership today.

The question demands a further discussion, he added.

"If Kosovo's recognition is submitted in the government, our ministers will not back it," KDU-CSL first deputy chairman Roman Linek said.

Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg (for the Greens) intends to submit the proposal to the government on Wednesday.

The Christian Democrats are of the view that Kosovo's recognition could be another of the steps that might destabilize the ethnically divided region.

They are afraid this would violate the border guaranteed after World War Two and worsen excellent relations between the Czech Republic and Serbia with a tradition from the former Yugoslavia, Horalek said.

The Christian Democrats believe that Kosovo's recognition could set a precedent and shore up further separatist movements such as those of the Basks in Spain and France, Kurds in Turkey and Iraq, Hungarians in southern Slovakia and Irish in Northern Ireland, he added.

"This is one of the major steps about which a thorough discussion should be led," the Christian Democrats said.

Kosovo's recognition is rejected by the opposition Social Democrats and Communists and by some coalition politicians.

Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek (the Civic Democratic Party, ODS) says it would be "more tactical to recognize Kosovo now".

Kosovo unilaterally declared independence from Serbia on February 17. Its independence has been recognized by some 30 countries, while states such as Spain, Cyprus, Greece, Russia, China and Slovakia are opposed to the idea, the ČTK says.

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