Belgrade suburb quiet after rioting

The night went peacefully in the Belgrade suburb of Resnik after incidents on Sunday between the police and citizens opposed to the arrival of Roma families.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 09.04.2012.


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The night went peacefully in the Belgrade suburb of Resnik after incidents on Sunday between the police and citizens opposed to the arrival of Roma families. Some 15 locals were detained in order to be interviewed at the police station in the municipality of Rakovica, the MUP confirmed for Tanjug news agency. Belgrade suburb quiet after rioting It was also said that "consultations with relevant justice organs will define" whether legal measures would be taken against them. The violence broke out when a group of local residents attempted to prevent the placement of housing containers meant to provide homes for a group of Romas (Gypsies), whom the authorities intend to move from their makeshift settlement near the Belville residential block in New Belgrade. 12 police officers were injured when bottles and stones were hurled at them. Two civilians also reported injuries. The locals are threatening to block the Belgrade-Bar railroad if the authorities go ahead with their plans and move more Roma to the suburb, which according to reports "already has a sizable Roma population". Police and city officials condemned the violence. (Tanjug) B92 Tanjug

Belgrade suburb quiet after rioting

It was also said that "consultations with relevant justice organs will define" whether legal measures would be taken against them.

The violence broke out when a group of local residents attempted to prevent the placement of housing containers meant to provide homes for a group of Romas (Gypsies), whom the authorities intend to move from their makeshift settlement near the Belville residential block in New Belgrade.

12 police officers were injured when bottles and stones were hurled at them. Two civilians also reported injuries.

The locals are threatening to block the Belgrade-Bar railroad if the authorities go ahead with their plans and move more Roma to the suburb, which according to reports "already has a sizable Roma population".

Police and city officials condemned the violence.

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