Arrests in journalist murder case

Zagreb police have detained several persons in the car bomb murder case of Nacional weekly owner Ivo Pukanić and his associate Niko Franjić.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 27.10.2008.


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Zagreb police have detained several persons in the car bomb murder case of Nacional weekly owner Ivo Pukanic and his associate Niko Franjic. Although Croatian MUP is silent on their number and identities in the interest of the investigation, media are unofficially saying that some of those arrested have military and police backgrounds, and that all are Croatian nationals. Arrests in journalist murder case Earlier today, reports said that police interviewed Mirjana Pukanic regarding the murder of her husband. She was questioned in a safe house, where she has spent the last six months. After the release of a sketch of the bomber that killed Pukanic by planting a bomb under his car in Zagreb last week, the Croatian Interior Ministry has received calls from more than 50 citizens. However, none of those have led them any closer to Pukanic’s killer, it was announced on Monday morning. The journalist will be buried today in Velika Gorica, a small town near Zagreb. The editor-in-chief of Nacional, along with other staff members, is under constant police protection, as is Mirjana Pukanic, on the recommendation of Croatian President Stjepan Mesic, a good friend of the Pukanic family. Even though the police is trying to keep the case confidential, more and more details are leaking to the public. The Croatian media stated that the police have taken a safe full of documents and Pukanic's personal archives from Nacional’s office. Daily Jutarnji List writes that the secrets behind his murder could be uncovered within the documentation in those safes. The newspaper also stated that the killer could have been working with the personnel in charge of securing the building in which the offices of Nacional are located. Investigators believe that the car bomb could not have been installed without oversights by the security service of the building, "not necessarily coincidental". The wreckage of Pukanic's car (FoNet)

Arrests in journalist murder case

Earlier today, reports said that police interviewed Mirjana Pukanić regarding the murder of her husband. She was questioned in a safe house, where she has spent the last six months.

After the release of a sketch of the bomber that killed Pukanić by planting a bomb under his car in Zagreb last week, the Croatian Interior Ministry has received calls from more than 50 citizens.

However, none of those have led them any closer to Pukanić’s killer, it was announced on Monday morning.

The journalist will be buried today in Velika Gorica, a small town near Zagreb.

The editor-in-chief of Nacional, along with other staff members, is under constant police protection, as is Mirjana Pukanić, on the recommendation of Croatian President Stjepan Mesić, a good friend of the Pukanić family.

Even though the police is trying to keep the case confidential, more and more details are leaking to the public.

The Croatian media stated that the police have taken a safe full of documents and Pukanić's personal archives from Nacional’s office.

Daily Jutarnji List writes that the secrets behind his murder could be uncovered within the documentation in those safes.

The newspaper also stated that the killer could have been working with the personnel in charge of securing the building in which the offices of Nacional are located.

Investigators believe that the car bomb could not have been installed without oversights by the security service of the building, "not necessarily coincidental".

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