Technical Kosovo talks canceled after Brussels incidents

Marko Djuric on Tuesday announced that a round of expert Belgrade-Pristina dialogue that was to be held in Brussels on Monday had been canceled.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 22.03.2016.


Technical Kosovo talks canceled after Brussels incidents
Brussels on Tuesday (Tanjug/AP)

Technical Kosovo talks canceled after Brussels incidents

"We are here in Brussels with the people, we are sharing the difficult moments. Extremism knows no borders and Europe must be united in the fight against the evil," he said.

Djuric added that the Serbian delegation "wished to go to the EU HQ and show solidarity with the colleagues" but that it was "not physically possible to reach the location."

In Belgrade, Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic offered his condolences to Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel, adding that the world was shocked by the terrorist attacks.

"We are deeply shocked and saddened by the news of the deaths and injuries in the blasts at Zaventem airport and a metro station in Brussels. The world is shocked by the terrorist attacks, which are threats to all the civilization values that we strongly advocate. I therefore wish to reiterate the importance of joining efforts in a resolute fight against terrorism," Vucic said.

"On behalf of the Serbian government and on his own behalf, Prime Minister Vucic extended deepest condolences to the Belgian prime minister and the families of the victims," the Serbian government's media relations office said in a release.

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