People traffickers arrested in eastern Serbia

The police in the towns of Zaječar and Paraćin in eastern Serbia on Tuesday cut a smuggling channel used to transfer people from Bulgaria to Serbia.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 20.05.2014.


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People traffickers arrested in eastern Serbia

The local police worked together with the MUP Criminal Police Administration and made six arrests. The suspects are three residents of Belgrade, one from Knjaževac, and two more from Negotin and Kladovo.

They are now in 48-hour police custody on suspicion of involvement in the crime of illegal crossing of the state border and people smuggling.

In addition, four cars, all with Serbian license plates, have been confiscated.

During the arrest, which took place on the Zaječar-Paraćin road, two suspects managed to escape and the police are now intensively searching for them, a statement said.

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