Vučić, hosts "Wine Vision Open Balkan": "This looks magnificent" VIDEO

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić participated in the opening of the Second International Wine Fair "Wine Vision of the Open Balkans".


Friday, 17.11.2023.


Vučić, hosts

Vučić, hosts "Wine Vision Open Balkan": "This looks magnificent" VIDEO

Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia Dimitar Kovačevski, President of Montenegro Jakov Milatović and President of the Italian Veneto Region, Luca Zaia, also took part in the ceremony.

"Everyone who makes wine in Montenegro has come," said the president in his conversation with Milatović.

"This looks magnificent, and I invite all citizens of Serbia to come in the days ahead. My thanks go to all the people who worked hard, day and night to do something like this," said the president.

The president visited some wineries' stands with the guests before the ceremony.

"The largest number of our technologists were educated in Italy. Most of the people learned the trade, came back and did a lot," said the president.

Vučić: Small wineries are the carriers of the development of the wine industry in Serbia

Small wineries are the carriers of the development of the Serbian wine industry and they have contributed to the increasing consumption of local wines, said Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić during a visit to the second international fair "Wine Vision of the Open Balkans".

He stated that Serbia now has 467 small wineries and that their number has increased tenfold compared to five years ago.

"These small wineries and our brave people are the carriers of the development of the wine industry. They export and sell on the domestic market, and more and more of their domestic wines are being sold," emphasized Vučić.

According to him, some of those small wineries in poor parts of our country contributed to enriching those parts in an excellent way.

Vučić wished luck and success to all exhibitors during the tour of their stands and tasted different types of wine during the tour of the stands together with the President of Montenegro and the Macedonian Prime Minister, Jakov Milatović and Dimitar Kovačevski.

He congratulated the small producers on their good products and wished them success in their performance at the fair and in business.

A large number of ministers were present at the opening ceremony, such as Irena Vujović, Goran Vesić, Jelena Tanasković, Maja Gojković, Ivica Dačić.

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić is accompanying President Vučić.

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