Belgian party president vows to break deadlock

Belgium's Socialists Party President Elio Di Rupo has presented a report aimed at ending the deadlock among the fragmented political parties, euronews reported.

Izvor: EuroNews

Tuesday, 05.07.2011.


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Belgium's Socialists Party President Elio Di Rupo has presented a report aimed at ending the deadlock among the fragmented political parties, euronews reported. A caretaker government has been in charge since elections on June 13 last year with no sign of an end to the stand off. Di Rupo outlined what he believes is needed. Belgian party president vows to break deadlock “We need a great reform of the state, the BHV voting district and Brussels. We also need greater autonomy and we need to transfer greater responsibilities to the federal institutions,” he said. Belgium is becoming increasingly divided between the 6.5 million Dutch speakers in the north and the 4.5 million French speakers in the south, with no truly national parties. Di Rupo announced the probability of success and ending the political standoff stood at five or ten percent.

Belgian party president vows to break deadlock

“We need a great reform of the state, the BHV voting district and Brussels. We also need greater autonomy and we need to transfer greater responsibilities to the federal institutions,” he said.

Belgium is becoming increasingly divided between the 6.5 million Dutch speakers in the north and the 4.5 million French speakers in the south, with no truly national parties.

Di Rupo announced the probability of success and ending the political standoff stood at five or ten percent.

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