Patriarch: Hunger strike is not Christian

Serbian Patriarch Irinej said on Monday that he had sent a note to leader of the SerbProgressive Party (SNS) Tomislav Nikolić.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 18.04.2011.


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Serbian Patriarch Irinej said on Monday that he had sent a note to leader of the SerbProgressive Party (SNS) Tomislav Nikolic. The head of the Serbian Orthodox Church said he called on the opposition leader to end his hunger and thirst strike, "as it is not Christian". Patriarch: Hunger strike is not Christian Nikolic is on a hunger strike trying to force the authorities to call early elections. "It is not Christian to kill and torture one's body," Irinej stated in Nis, southern Serbia, where he said he was to stay "for another day or two, before coming back to Belgrade". Patriarch Irinej (Tanjug, file)

Patriarch: Hunger strike is not Christian

Nikolić is on a hunger strike trying to force the authorities to call early elections.

"It is not Christian to kill and torture one's body," Irinej stated in Niš, southern Serbia, where he said he was to stay "for another day or two, before coming back to Belgrade".

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