Two migrants detained for sexually assaulting girl

The Basic Court in Subotica has ordered two Pakistani citizens held in detention for up to 30 days.

Izvor: Vecernje novosti

Wednesday, 28.09.2016.


Two migrants detained for sexually assaulting girl

Two migrants detained for sexually assaulting girl

Earlier in the day, the Pakistanis gave their statements to the prosecutor, in the presence of a court-appointed attorney and an Urdu interpreter, a spokesperson for the prosecution told Tanjug.

The prosecution asked the court to keep the men in detention considering they are foreign nationals without a place of residence in Serbia.

According to media reports, the two migrants, who were staying at the reception center in Subotica, attacked the girl in the street. A passer-by defended the victim and prevented the pair from carrying out "their intention."

The suspects then attempted to flee, but the police caught up with them and arrested them.

The daily Vecernje Novosti writes on Thursday that a total of nine migrants surrounded the local girl, aged 14, as she left her house on Tuesday on her way to visit her grandmother, and that the two who have been charged assaulted her.

Recently refugees attacked two brothers, also minors, in downtown Subotica, inflicting scalpel cuts on the head of one of the victims. There have also been numerous thefts and burglaries, especially on the outskirts of the town, "where migrants sometimes walk into a yard and take what they need," the newspaper said.

Local residents in Subotica have now launched an online petition asking to ban migrants and asylum seekers from moving freely in this town close to Serbia's border with Hungary.

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