Milo keeps silent

President of Montenegro did not comment on the composition of the Government, after the leader of Demos, Miodrag Lekić, secured support of assembly's majority.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 20.09.2022.


Milo keeps silent

Milo keeps silent

President of Montenegro did not comment on the mandate for the composition of the Government, after he was informed that the leader of Demos, Miodrag Lekić, has the support of the parliamentary majority.

Milo Djukanović was informed about this by the leader of the New Serbian Democracy, Andrija Mandić, in a letter that he sent to him immediately after the "old majority" reached agreement on Lekić and the "package of actions" in his government, which was the request of GP URA from the beginning of negotiations.

"Vijesti" was told that Djukanović, who was in Great Britain yesterday for the funeral of Queen Elizabeth, will not be making any haste moves.

According to the Constitution of Montenegro, the president nominates prime minister-designate 30 days after the constitution of the Assembly, in this case from the dismissal of the Government of Dritan Abazović, which took place on August 19.

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