"The situation in Kosovo and Metohija is very difficult" VIDEO

President of the Parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, Milovan Drecun, said today that the situation in Kosovo and Metohija is difficult.

Izvor: Tanjug

Saturday, 07.10.2023.


Tanjug/AP Photo/Visar Kryeziu

"The situation in Kosovo and Metohija is very difficult" VIDEO

As he stated, in a guest appearance on TV Prva, the situation is difficult because the Pristina authorities are trying to block the life of the Serbian people in that area under the pretext of implementing "anti-terrorist measures" and he assessed that any punishment of Belgrade for the events in the village of Banjska would harm not only the dialogue but would lead to rounding off a policy that is exclusive and one-sided.

"The situation in Kosovo and Metohija is very difficult because Kurti's militarized regime is trying to completely block the life of the Serbian people under the pretext of some kind of implementation of anti-terrorist measures and does not pay any attention to the fact that there are already pronounced problems in the functioning of everyday life and in the supply of food, especially medicine," Drecun said on TV Prva.

He estimated that in the coming period, Kurti will continue to make life difficult for the Serbian people in Kosovo, which, he added, can be seen through his intention to prevent the flow of any goods from central Serbia to that area.

"We have a statement from the commander of KFOR that they are now intensively working on this, because there are many alternative routes that lead from central Serbia to the north of Kosovo, to close those routes, to completely prevent the Serbian people from supplying themselves in the north of Kosovo with what they need necessary for everyday life. So, if the Serbs want to stay there, let them stay, if not, let them leave," he said.

When asked if Europe is listening to the fact that the Serbs can no longer tolerate what is happening to them at Kosovo and Metohija, Drecun stated that it should be understood that the community consists of members who have a developed attitude towards the so-called Kosovo, and that among them, there are those who are on the side of Prishtina and do not have a developed sense of justice and equal treatment.

On the other hand, Drecun pointed out that there are also countries like Hungary, which has an understanding of the events in Kosovo and Metohija and which behaves responsibly, because it understands the situation in the region and the impact of what is happening in the region on the European Union and its closest neighbors.

"There are countries that take a much more rational view, but there are also countries that want to realize their goals to the end, to acquire the missing international legal capacity for the fake state of Kosovo at any cost, use the situation and the tragedy in the village of Banjska to put pressure on Belgrade", he said.

Drecun stated that the key thing at the moment is how the investigation into the events in the village of Banjska will end, recalling that American and European officials said that an intensive investigation was being conducted and that they would take a position on what measures should be taken only when finish that investigation.

"Belgrade is required to actively participate in that investigation, which Belgrade has shown. Some information was quickly obtained, although the possibilities for our competent authorities to determine what happened are limited. Politically rational reflection indicates that any punishment due to the events in the village of Banjska will undoubtedly harm not only the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, but it would lead to the conclusion of a policy that is exclusive, one-sided and can only destabilize the region and in no way open its way to the EU," he said.

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