Interpol confirms: Kosovo sent new membership application

Interpol's General Secretariat has confirmed it has received <a href="" class="text-link" target= "_blank">a new application</a> for membership from Kosovo, Pristina-based daily Bota Sot is reporting.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 06.03.2019.


Interpol confirms: Kosovo sent new membership application
(EPA-EFE, file, illustration)

Interpol confirms: Kosovo sent new membership application

He also said that the application had been sent on January 31.

Behgjet Pacolli, who serves as foreign minister of Kosovo, said he was optimistic about this latest bid, and that Kosovo's membership in Interpol would "represent a threat to nobody."

Pristina's previous application to join the organization was rejected in November 2018.

Belgrade is opposed to this, and has called on Interpol to respect its own rules and not consider the bid.

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