Kosovo dialogue postponed until September

The Belgrade-Priština talks which were due to continue in Brussels on Wednesday and Thursday have been postponed for September.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 19.07.2011.


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The Belgrade-Pristina talks which were due to continue in Brussels on Wednesday and Thursday have been postponed for September. This came at the request of EU mediator in the dialogue Robert Cooper, head of Belgrade's negotiating team Borislav Stefanovic stated on Tuesday in Belgrade. Kosovo dialogue postponed until September "The talks were postponed because the Pristina delegation requested that elements of Kosovo's statehood should be clearly displayed during the meeting, which Belgrade could not accept," Stefanovic said. The EU assessed that at this point, the two sides cannot find a compromise for issues that are subject of talks and that it would be better to wait until September and then reach a compromise. During the talks planned for Wednesday and Thursday, the two teams were supposed to discuss issues of electricity, telecommunications, cadastre books and customs seals. The delegations of Belgrade and Pristina previously conferred in Brussels early in July, when they reached first agreements as regards freedom of movement, birth registries and university degrees.

Kosovo dialogue postponed until September

"The talks were postponed because the Priština delegation requested that elements of Kosovo's statehood should be clearly displayed during the meeting, which Belgrade could not accept," Stefanović said.

The EU assessed that at this point, the two sides cannot find a compromise for issues that are subject of talks and that it would be better to wait until September and then reach a compromise.

During the talks planned for Wednesday and Thursday, the two teams were supposed to discuss issues of electricity, telecommunications, cadastre books and customs seals.

The delegations of Belgrade and Priština previously conferred in Brussels early in July, when they reached first agreements as regards freedom of movement, birth registries and university degrees.

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