RIK changes voter tally

The Republic Election Commission (RIK) has decided to alter the number of registered voters in Serbia, as well as ballot papers.

Izvor: Beta

Tuesday, 15.01.2008.


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The Republic Election Commission (RIK) has decided to alter the number of registered voters in Serbia, as well as ballot papers. According to RIK’s most recent figures, the total number of voters in Serbia was 6,702,018 as opposed to 6,701,779, as stated on January 13. RIK changes voter tally RIK adopted the new figures after it came to light that a mistake had occurred that had left 239 voters excluded from the final list in Backa Topola. The Commission also rejected a complaint filed by the Liberal Democratic Party regarding unfair treatment of presidential candidates by the media. RIK stated that it was not responsible for controlling and monitoring the media during elections. The meeting lasted over an hour and a half, with the majority asking for RIK to repeat its warning to the media regarding subjectivity in the campaign. There was also discussion over who was financing the campaign of LDP leader Cedomir Jovanovic, and whether there would have been a discussion of the complaint had it concerned another candidate. There was also talk of dismissing the complaint without reading it as it had been submitted in Latinic rather than Cyrillic script.

RIK changes voter tally

RIK adopted the new figures after it came to light that a mistake had occurred that had left 239 voters excluded from the final list in Bačka Topola.

The Commission also rejected a complaint filed by the Liberal Democratic Party regarding unfair treatment of presidential candidates by the media.

RIK stated that it was not responsible for controlling and monitoring the media during elections.

The meeting lasted over an hour and a half, with the majority asking for RIK to repeat its warning to the media regarding subjectivity in the campaign.

There was also discussion over who was financing the campaign of LDP leader Čedomir Jovanović, and whether there would have been a discussion of the complaint had it concerned another candidate.

There was also talk of dismissing the complaint without reading it as it had been submitted in Latinic rather than Cyrillic script.

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