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Global Finance: Raiffeisen is the best digital retail bank in Serbia

The renowned world economic magazine "Global Finance" declared Raiffeisen the best digital retail bank in Serbia for 2024.

Izvor: Promo

Global Finance: Raiffeisen is the best digital retail bank in Serbia


Raiffeisen Bank also won in three subcategories of that election - Best Online Product Offerings, Best Mobile Banking App, and Best in Innovation.

In its explanation, Global Finance stated that the winning banks were selected based on several criteria - the strength of the strategy for attracting and servicing digital clients, success in attracting clients to use digital products, the growth of the number of digital clients, the breadth of product offerings, tangible evidence of the benefits of digital initiatives and site design and its functionality.

"Rapid advances in financial technologies, the rise of digital currencies, and the growing importance of cybersecurity are constantly redefining the benchmarks for exceptional digital banking services," said Joseph Giaraputo, founder and editorial director of Global Finance magazine.

The awards for the best digital bank awarded by the magazine "Global Finance" are given to financial institutions representing the forefront of innovative digital solutions and serve as new standards in the industry, according to the announcement.

Zoran Petrović, Chairman of the Executive Board of Raiffeisen Bank, said that the four awards in the field of digital banking testify to the fact that Raiffeisen Bank continues to grow and shape the banking market year after year.

"Raiffeisen is a traditional bank, but a bank that understood the depth of changes brought by digitalization at the right moment. We saw it as a tool to help provide our clients with a superior user experience and save their valuable time because that's where you see who the best is. Artificial intelligence is more present and has set before us the task of using it and increasing efficiency, which we are mostly doing. A market leader such as Raiffeisen does not have the luxury of ignoring changes. That's why we choose the best people and have an amazing local team that keeps the strings firmly in their hands. The awards of world economic magazines only confirm that," said Zoran Petrović.

Jelena Aksić, a member of the Executive Board in charge of affairs with the population, small businesses, and entrepreneurs, pointed out that the awards indicate that Raiffeisen Bank was right when it made a big technological leap.

"The ability to adapt to the times we live in and the agile approach both in branches and in the digital ecosystem have opened up new horizons." Being the best at innovating, having the best online offering and the best mobile app says we've done our job the best in the market – simplifying things and understanding the people who need us. I am extremely proud of the awards, which are, at the same time, an obligation to continue in the same rhythm," said Jelena Aksić.

"Global Finance" magazine awarded Raiffeisen Bank the Best digital retail bank in Serbia Award for three years. Infosys, a global consultancy, technology, and outsourcing leader chose the winners. The editors of the magazine were responsible for the final selection.


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