Moscow reacts to "Putin, Trump, and Kosovo" story: Lies

Russian and US leaders Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump did not reach any agreement regarding Kosovo during their recent summit in Helsinki.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 27.07.2018.


Moscow reacts to
Moscow (Beta/AP, file)

Moscow reacts to "Putin, Trump, and Kosovo" story: Lies

"We have noted lengthy Russian media stories based on Kosovo's Gazeta Express publication," the comment said, and added:

"Citing 'diplomatic sources', this publication claims that, during the July 16 Russian-US summit held in Helsinki, the president of the United States allegedly agreed to proposals (that had reportedly been discussed) that Belgrade would recognize the independence of Kosovo if Serbia retains the northern territories where ethnic Serbs live."

"We are stating with all responsibility that, just like other latest media conjectures around certain special agreements reportedly reached in Helsinki, this is absolute misinformation," the Russian ministry announced.

"All matters regarding the final status of Kosovo should be resolved on the basis of UN Security Council Resolution 1244. In this context, Belgrade and Pristina agreed to conduct direct dialogue with the mediation of the European Union. Russia consistently supports this negotiating process, insists that all agreements reached during this process be fulfilled, and it will never try and discuss this subject behind both sides' backs," the comment said.

"We are urging the media community to refrain from outright speculations on the existence of alleged covert agreements between Moscow and Washington. One should not pander to a highly dangerous trend aiming to destabilize Russian-US relations on whose state international security now largely depends. Nor should one incite tension in such a complicated region as the Balkans," the Russian MFA said.

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