Magazine declares B92 Fund head "most humane celebrity"

Readers of the Hello magazine, the most read magazine about celebrities, have chosen 23 personalities of the year in various categories.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 12.12.2011.


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Readers of the Hello magazine, the most read magazine about celebrities, have chosen 23 personalities of the year in various categories. They included athletes and entertainers such as Novak Djokovic, Bata Zivojinovic, Srdjan Dragojevic, Dragan Bjelogrlic, but also Veran Matic, president of the B92 Fund. Magazine declares B92 Fund head "most humane celebrity" Matic was voted the most humane personality in 2011. In a speech upon receiving this recognition, Matic said that the role of celebrities, when it comes to humane activities, is crucial. Their constant appearances in the media bear responsibility to use that celebrity status to send messages appealing to empathy, solidarity and humanity, he noted. "Today, in times of crisis, this is of utmost importance," said Matic, and pointed out that this recognition primarily belongs to the team that has designed and carried out all the humanitarian campaigns in 2011. In the course of 2011, the B92 Fund has successfully realized a series of campaigns: in the campaign Food for Enclaves, B92 Fund has supported the work of six soup kitchens and prevented them from being shut up in the Kosovsko Pomoravlje District and in the enclaves, thus providing them uninterrupted operations in 2011 and first six months of 2012. In the campaign against family violence, two safe houses had been constructed, for the victims of domestic violence. The award designed by Karim Rashid Still, it was the campaign Battle for the Babies that marked 2011, which helped in resolving in a systematic way the problem of the lack of incubators in our health institutions. Up till now, funds for the purchase of 180 incubators have been raised, but the campaign is still ongoing, and it will also include provision of other necessary devices for the treatment of prematurely born babies, so that we can make more civilized conditions for the parenthood, but also to assist babies in getting the best possible conditions for starting life. In 2011 alone, the B92 Fund gathered a total of EUR 3mn, donating the money through its numerous humanitarian campaigns and projects. The statue given in recognition to the awarded personalities was designed by Karim Rashid. (Hello Magazine)

Magazine declares B92 Fund head "most humane celebrity"

Matić was voted the most humane personality in 2011.

In a speech upon receiving this recognition, Matić said that the role of celebrities, when it comes to humane activities, is crucial.

Their constant appearances in the media bear responsibility to use that celebrity status to send messages appealing to empathy, solidarity and humanity, he noted.

"Today, in times of crisis, this is of utmost importance," said Matić, and pointed out that this recognition primarily belongs to the team that has designed and carried out all the humanitarian campaigns in 2011.

In the course of 2011, the B92 Fund has successfully realized a series of campaigns: in the campaign Food for Enclaves, B92 Fund has supported the work of six soup kitchens and prevented them from being shut up in the Kosovsko Pomoravlje District and in the enclaves, thus providing them uninterrupted operations in 2011 and first six months of 2012. In the campaign against family violence, two safe houses had been constructed, for the victims of domestic violence.
Still, it was the campaign Battle for the Babies that marked 2011, which helped in resolving in a systematic way the problem of the lack of incubators in our health institutions.

Up till now, funds for the purchase of 180 incubators have been raised, but the campaign is still ongoing, and it will also include provision of other necessary devices for the treatment of prematurely born babies, so that we can make more civilized conditions for the parenthood, but also to assist babies in getting the best possible conditions for starting life.

In 2011 alone, the B92 Fund gathered a total of EUR 3mn, donating the money through its numerous humanitarian campaigns and projects.

The statue given in recognition to the awarded personalities was designed by Karim Rashid.

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