Macedonians vote in presidential election

The polling stations were opened at 07:00 CET this Sunday across Macedonia in presidential and local elections.

Izvor: Beta

Sunday, 22.03.2009.


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The polling stations were opened at 07:00 CET this Sunday across Macedonia in presidential and local elections. President of the State Electoral Commission (DIK) Zoran Tanevski told reporters this morning that 53 voting stations remained closed due to the snow and bad weather in the mountain regions of the country, but that the officials hoped the voting material would be delivered there as well during the day. Macedonians vote in presidential election So far the voting is going without any incidents. 1,792,082 people are eligible to cast their ballots in Macedonia today. Seven presidential candidates are running this race, with the latest opinion polls ahead of the elections favoring ruling VMRO-DPMNE's Georgi Ivanov and SDSM's Ljubomir Frchkovski to make it to the run-off, as none of the contenders is expected to win in the first round. Some 7,000 domestic and 550 foreign – 297 of them from the OSCE – observers from will monitor the voting. The government in Skopje has announced that if need be, it will deploy special police units to secure the polls, in a country that has seen volatile ethnic relations and election violence.

Macedonians vote in presidential election

So far the voting is going without any incidents. 1,792,082 people are eligible to cast their ballots in Macedonia today.

Seven presidential candidates are running this race, with the latest opinion polls ahead of the elections favoring ruling VMRO-DPMNE's Georgi Ivanov and SDSM's Ljubomir Frchkovski to make it to the run-off, as none of the contenders is expected to win in the first round.

Some 7,000 domestic and 550 foreign – 297 of them from the OSCE – observers from will monitor the voting.

The government in Skopje has announced that if need be, it will deploy special police units to secure the polls, in a country that has seen volatile ethnic relations and election violence.

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