Reports: NATO asks Austria to send more troops to Kosovo

NATO wants Austria to increase its contingent in KFOR in Kosovo, Tanjug has reported, quoting the Vienna-based daily Kurier.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 16.01.2014.


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VIENNA NATO wants Austria to increase its contingent in KFOR in Kosovo, Tanjug has reported, quoting the Vienna-based daily Kurier. This is "considering the fact that a withdrawal of French soldiers from northern Kosovo was planned," the report said. Reports: NATO asks Austria to send more troops to Kosovo NATO sent the request to Austria in December, Kurier wrote, citing unnamed military experts in Brussels. The French army will withdraw its contingent of 320 soldiers from Kosovo in the following months, so NATO expects Austria to compensate for that “gap." There are currently 380 Austrian soldiers deployed in Kosovo. (Tanjug, file) Tanjug VIP

Reports: NATO asks Austria to send more troops to Kosovo

NATO sent the request to Austria in December, Kurier wrote, citing unnamed military experts in Brussels.

The French army will withdraw its contingent of 320 soldiers from Kosovo in the following months, so NATO expects Austria to compensate for that “gap."

There are currently 380 Austrian soldiers deployed in Kosovo.

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