"Relations between Serbia, Russia, excellent"

Ambassador to Russia Stanimir Vukičević says relations between the two countries have reached an outstanding level.

Izvor: B92

Sunday, 04.11.2007.


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Ambassador to Russia Stanimir Vukicevic says relations between the two countries have reached an outstanding level. "Such a good political climate should be understood as an opportunity to upgrade economic, cultural and other relations." "Relations between Serbia, Russia, excellent" "The Russians have the good will, and we should organize ourselves and take the opportunity," Vukicevic said in an interview with Vecernje Novosti daily. "Under the current conditions, the Russian-Serbian relations are based not only on traditional friendship but also on pragmatism. One of the dimensions is the feeling of common belonging to similar Slavic nations, and the other is that Russia and Serbia, as two sovereignty states, are working on strengthening their ties." "I would like to underscore that Moscow is becoming an increasingly important economic partner to Serbia," the ambassador said. Vukicevic added that when it comes to Kosovo, Moscow had "long since determined its strategic position in regards to Serbia's southern province and will not abandon that principle." But former U.S. Ambassador to Serbia William Montgomery argues in his weekly column published on our website that the close ties may not work in Serbia's interest in the long run. "Russian support for Serbia's position on Kosovo and now for the Bosnian Serb objections to actions taken by the High Representative to strengthen the central institutions of Bosnia may well turn out to be counter-productive for the Serbs," Montgomery argues. "My sense is that there is a growing feeling in Western capitals that both Russia and the Serbs have 'overplayed their hand'," the former ambassador adds. He adds that "there is a strong belief that the Serbian positions on both these issues have been hardened by Russia's role." If that proves to be the case, "as the West considers its actions, it is looking not only at the issues themselves, but also at demonstrating to Russia that there are limits to how far we can be pushed," Montgomery concludes.

"Relations between Serbia, Russia, excellent"

"The Russians have the good will, and we should organize ourselves and take the opportunity," Vukičević said in an interview with Večernje Novosti daily.

"Under the current conditions, the Russian-Serbian relations are based not only on traditional friendship but also on pragmatism. One of the dimensions is the feeling of common belonging to similar Slavic nations, and the other is that Russia and Serbia, as two sovereignty states, are working on strengthening their ties."

"I would like to underscore that Moscow is becoming an increasingly important economic partner to Serbia," the ambassador said.

Vukičević added that when it comes to Kosovo, Moscow had "long since determined its strategic position in regards to Serbia's southern province and will not abandon that principle."

But former U.S. Ambassador to Serbia William Montgomery argues in his weekly column published on our website that the close ties may not work in Serbia's interest in the long run.

"Russian support for Serbia's position on Kosovo and now for the Bosnian Serb objections to actions taken by the High Representative to strengthen the central institutions of Bosnia may well turn out to be counter-productive for the Serbs," Montgomery argues.

"My sense is that there is a growing feeling in Western capitals that both Russia and the Serbs have 'overplayed their hand'," the former ambassador adds.

He adds that "there is a strong belief that the Serbian positions on both these issues have been hardened by Russia's role."

If that proves to be the case, "as the West considers its actions, it is looking not only at the issues themselves, but also at demonstrating to Russia that there are limits to how far we can be pushed," Montgomery concludes.

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