Montenegro moving towards NATO membership

Montenegrin Defense Minister Boro Vučinić said that Montenegro will begin NATO integration in 2008.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 26.12.2007.


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Montenegrin Defense Minister Boro Vucinic said that Montenegro will begin NATO integration in 2008. “At the next NATO summit in April 2008 in Bucharest, we expect a strong, positive signal for our future membership, as well as an intensifying and dynamic accession towards the Alliance by Montenegro,” Vucinic said. Montenegro moving towards NATO membership Asked whether joining NATO includes the risk of future terrorist attacks, Vucinic said that no country is safe from possible terrorist attacks. “However, NATO membership guarantees a much higher level of security than an eventual neutral position would,” he said.

Montenegro moving towards NATO membership

Asked whether joining NATO includes the risk of future terrorist attacks, Vučinić said that no country is safe from possible terrorist attacks.

“However, NATO membership guarantees a much higher level of security than an eventual neutral position would,” he said.

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