"Montenegro could join NATO in 2014"

Montenegro can continue to count on the support of NATO, the country's FM Nebojša Kaluđerović heard from NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 26.09.2012.


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NEW YORK Montenegro can continue to count on the support of NATO, the country's FM Nebojsa Kaludjerovic heard from NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen. The two officials met on the sidelines of the 67th United Nations General Assembly in New York, the Montenegrin government has announced. "Montenegro could join NATO in 2014" Kaludjerovic informed Rasmussen about the currents status of preparations for the presentation of the third annual plan, which is part of the Membership Action Plan (MAP). The program is considered to be the prelude to a full-fledged membership in the military alliance. According to the Montenegrin government statement, Rasmussen commended the country for the results achieved in its Euro-Atlantic integrations. It was also said that while in New York, Kaludjerovic met with his German counterpart Guido Westerwelle, who also assured him of "full support for Montenegro's strategic priorities" - i.e, its bids to join the EU and NATO. Meanwhile, Montenegrin daily Dnevne Novine writes today that this country "could become a full-fledged member of NATO in 2014", and cites the Research Division at the NATO Defense College in Rome. Its analysis noted that Montenegro had made progress in its preparations for membership in the Alliance, the newspaper said. Since 2009, when Montenegro joined the MAP program, it has advanced considerably in the NATO accession process, which opens the door to the possibility that the Alliance could discuss admitting a new member at its next summit. The open door policy has been highlighted at every summit and NATO has never abandoned it, said the Research Division, adding that the Western Balkans remains an important area for the alliance. Anders Fogh Rasmussen (Beta, file) Tanjug

"Montenegro could join NATO in 2014"

Kaluđerović informed Rasmussen about the currents status of preparations for the presentation of the third annual plan, which is part of the Membership Action Plan (MAP).

The program is considered to be the prelude to a full-fledged membership in the military alliance.

According to the Montenegrin government statement, Rasmussen commended the country for the results achieved in its Euro-Atlantic integrations.

It was also said that while in New York, Kaluđerović met with his German counterpart Guido Westerwelle, who also assured him of "full support for Montenegro's strategic priorities" - i.e, its bids to join the EU and NATO.

Meanwhile, Montenegrin daily Dnevne Novine writes today that this country "could become a full-fledged member of NATO in 2014", and cites the Research Division at the NATO Defense College in Rome.

Its analysis noted that Montenegro had made progress in its preparations for membership in the Alliance, the newspaper said.

Since 2009, when Montenegro joined the MAP program, it has advanced considerably in the NATO accession process, which opens the door to the possibility that the Alliance could discuss admitting a new member at its next summit.

The open door policy has been highlighted at every summit and NATO has never abandoned it, said the Research Division, adding that the Western Balkans remains an important area for the alliance.

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