Dacic sings for Erdogan in Turkish/VIDEO

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has performed several songs during a dinner organized in Belgrade in honor of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 11.10.2017.


Dacic sings for Erdogan in Turkish/VIDEO

Dacic sings for Erdogan in Turkish/VIDEO

One of them shows Dacic approach a table where Erdogan and his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vucic were seated along with their wives, and sing the song "Osman Aga" in Turkish.

Another shows Dacic perform the song "Miljacka" - and get tipped by the mufti of Belgrade, Mustafa Jusufspahic.

This is not the first time that the Serbian minister has performed in public - last summer in Greece, he sang in Greek and Russian, while during Vucic's inauguration in June he and former Italian FM and adviser to the Serbian president Franco Frattini sang a duet - opting for "O sole mio."

During the dinner, Erdogan and Vucic exchanged gifts - the Turkish president received a kilim rug, while his Serbian counterpart was given a chess set, and a bicycle.

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