Crime 0



Uroš and Radiša Blažić convicted

Today, the Higher Court in Smederevo handed down the first-instance verdict to Uroš Blažić, accused of killing nine and wounding 12 people in the villages of Malo Orašje and Dubona on May 4, 2023.


Uroš and Radiša Blažić convicted


Uroš Blažić was sentenced to 20 years in prison. It is also the maximum prison sentence. He was sentenced to 20 years for aggravated murder, 10 years for weapons, 10 years for kidnapping, and three years for unauthorized use of someone else's vehicle.

"The court sentences Uroš Blažić to a single prison sentence of 20 years. Uroš Blažić has been credited with the time spent in custody."

Radiša Blažić, the father of mass murderer Uroš Blažić, was also sentenced to a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. He was sentenced to 12 years for illegal possession of weapons, carrying and putting into circulation weapons and explosive materials, and for a serious crime against general safety he was sentenced to 10 years.

"The court made a decision to sentence the accused Radiša Blažić to a single prison term of 20 years, including the time he spent in custody."

Let us remind you that this is the maximum sentence that Uroš Blažić can receive for the crimes he committed, given that he was under 21 years of age at the time of the commission of the crime and is a minor under the law.

Uroš Blažić was charged with aggravated murder in connection with the criminal acts of illegal production, possession, carrying and trafficking of weapons and explosive substances, kidnapping and unauthorized use of someone else's vehicle.

His father, Radiša Blažić, was charged with the criminal offense of illegal production, possession, carrying and placing on the market of weapons and explosive substances in conjunction with the criminal offense of serious crime against general security.

Uroš Blažić was charged that on May 4, in the villages of Malo Orašje near Smederevo and Dubona near Mladenovac, he killed nine people, two of whom were minors, and tried to kill another 20 people, shooting from an automatic rifle and a pistol, wounding 12 people on that occasion.


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