Business & Economy 2



Serbia will request an extension of the deadlines for the exit of Russian capital from NIS

The Minister of Mining and Energy Dubravka Djedović Handanović stated that it is in the interest of both the American and Russian sides to find a solution for NIS, especially with the arrival of the Donald Trump administration.

Izvor: Tanjug

Serbia will request an extension of the deadlines for the exit of Russian capital from NIS


She added that Serbia will ask for an extension of the deadlines for the completion of all operations related to the exit of Russian capital from this company.

Djedović Handanović pointed out that it is important for citizens and businessmen that there is no reason to worry and said that the Government of Serbia will find the best solution for NIS.

"Serbia didn't do anything to contribute to the sanctions, except that it conducts its policy on principle, but these sanctions are comprehensive when it comes to the Russian energy sector, so they have no explicit connection with Serbia, and on the other hand, they hit us," the minister told TV Pink.

She stated that a deadline of February 25 was given for the complete exit of Russian capital and interests from NIS and added that the Government of Serbia had spoken with both parties, as well as that government work teams had already held several meetings.

"We are working hard, we talked with the American side and the Russian side, there are still consultations to be done, we have a few weeks ahead of us," said Djedović Handanović.

She stated that both the Russian and American partners will talk because, as she says, it is in the interest of both sides, especially with the arrival of the Trump administration, to find a solution.

"Trump said that he wants to be a peacemaker, so it should be put in a broader context, which will probably require more time, and we will work on that and get a certain extension, if the American administration is willing to do so", the minister stated.

When asked if clarifications had been received from the US regarding the sanctions against NIS, Djedović Handanović said that America is sticking to its policy and that it wants to reduce the income that the Russian side receives from the energy sector and operations in various countries, including Serbia. 

"So, in that context, that's the only clarification. We somehow found ourselves in the middle, between two great powers, and what we said to both parties is that Serbia will protect the interests of its citizens and that is our priority,'' said the minister.

She stated that it is still early to talk about the options for NIS and that we should wait for the two sides to start talks and pointed out that with the arrival of the new administration, it will take some time to review things and start talks.

She added that it is expected that Russia will present a comprehensive proposal, and that Serbia will have to wait and prepare for different scenarios.

When asked if Serbia has already felt the consequences of the sanctions on NIS, Djedović Handanović said that the consequences are already being felt, primarily the increase in prices on the market in the last two or three weeks, because the sanctions were announced.

"The president very transparently announced this even before the New Year, so the market also had these indications, so there was an increase in prices in Serbia due to the increase in prices on the global market. The prices are now stabilized, I hope that there will be a drop in prices on Friday, we cannot influence global oil prices, but we can monitor the market, to be in communication with all oil companies,'' said the minister and emphasized that it is imperative that the refinery in Pančevo continues to work without interruption.

She pointed out that it is important that all partners of NIS respect the transition period and said that NIS will remain one of the most important companies in Serbia.

"We will absolutely protect its position, and all partners should be patient and, without hectic moves, give the state a chance to find solutions," she said.


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