Session on Kosovo and Metohija; Vučić: "If we are attacked, take my word for it"...

Members of the Assembly are considering at today's special session, the Report on the negotiation process with Pristina from June 15, 2021 to September 1, 2022.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 13.09.2022.


Session on Kosovo and Metohija; Vučić:
Foto: Tanjug/Strahinja Aæimoviæ/bs

Session on Kosovo and Metohija; Vučić: "If we are attacked, take my word for it"...

The report is presented by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, who will inform the MPs and citizens about the current situation, the challenges ahead, as well as everything that the state has done so far for the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija. Више о овом изворном тексту За додатне информације о превођењу треба вам извоБочне табле

No myths

"The National Assembly is the right and only place where a conversation about such an issue can be held in depth. First, I want to make a brief overview of our possibilities and strengths, with which we fight for the most important issue. Let's be realistic, and not engage in phantasmagoria. It also means that we have to adapt our own myths, understanding how important they are in creating the entire spirit of the Serbian people, and that without myths we would not have survived to this day," said the president.

"Responsible politics must not rest on myths. This means that we have to adapt our myths," said Vučić during the presentation of the report.

"We have to avoid the deadlock and dangers that we failed to do in the past. To not perish, to think about how we are going to develop satellites, artificial intelligence... We need to find life for the Serbs and no less life for the Albanians in that space of ours, and that is a difficult task, but we have to strive for it as a country and as a nation. I think it is very important that in politics we offer people what is correct and what is possible. Because it is much more important than flattery to do what we can," said Vučić.

"Since a major conflict has occurred in the east of Europe in the meantime, our position is even more difficult. The hysteria within the international community reflects on Serbia and our key national interests. Our policy regarding the Kosovo and Metohija issue is guided between what is desired and what is possible, with the fact that the people have maximalist desires, while our possibilities are scarce. And if I were to go into the analysis of who is to blame now, it would be quite pointless," said Vučić.

"Serbia will never recognize the independence of Kosovo and Metohija"

Vučić says that before the Berlin Congress there were 64 percent of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, and that most Serbs left the southern province at the beginning and end of the 20th century.

"People often say that Kosovo has always been ours. That is simply not true, we also had ambassadors there. Sometimes we won, sometimes others won. What is significant is that there is a strong influence of the foreign factor, and whenever the Serbs faced tragedy, the West always sided with those who are against the Serbs. From 1961 to 1991, we fell from 27 percent to 11 percent of the Serbian population in Kosovo and Metohija," he said.

"I swore by the Constitution of Serbia that the Republic of Serbia will never recognize the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo and Metohija, nor will it give up its legitimate struggle for its national interests," he said.

"We are exposed to various security challenges today, I think you can understand and feel that. We have an increasing presence of special armed forces in Pristina, there is no fabrication of crises by Serbia. The danger is close, immediate and serious... The representatives of the Serbian people can best testify to this. Serbia in no way participated in generating the crisis. We remained focused on dialogue," he said.

Vučić reiterated that Serbia is not in favor of a conflict, considering that it is not a smart solution, but he stated that, if a conflict occurs, Serbia will react and added that there will be no persecution of Serbs.

"If our people are attacked, we will be strong enough to defend them, take my word for it," said Vučić.

Pristina's intention is to provoke conflict

"The dialogue crisis is a systemic problem that stems from two things. First, the Western world does not want to respect the UN Charter and Resolution 1244. That is our biggest problem, and the only thing we can appeal to. They won't even hear it. They say things on the ground have changed. As you can see, when it happens in Ukraine, then the order of the UN has not changed, but when it comes to Serbia, then they have," said the President of Serbia.

"When we fought for 10 Serbian municipalities, they cheated us. You have to keep in mind that we have to live and that this country has to live. We have to have factories in order to be able to pay salaries, pensions, to pay salaries to everyone in KiM, to motivate people to live in Kosovo and Metohija. We have to protect these people, it costs money, and to pay for it all, you have to have a healthy and good economy. We have a large part of investments from China, but still the biggest part of our investments comes from the West", he added.

"After the beginning of the drug embargo, they suppressed every protest with brutal force. You know that on October 13 last year they shot and wounded Srećko Sofronijević. This series of violence continued by preventing voting in the referendum, as well as in the elections, despite all the assurances of Quint countries. Then they threatened to forcibly take control of the energy infrastructure. Then and now the issue of personal documents, where they want to issue visas for 90 days to the Serbs living there. Prishtina's intention to provoke a conflict is also obvious in their attempt when additional police forces invaded the north of Kosovo in July without the approval of the North Directorate" reminded Vucic.

"Serbs can no longer tolerate that cruelty," stated Vučić and said that he asked people not to leave the Kosovo interim institutions.

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