100,000 flock to pro-Ustasha singer's concert

Last night’s concert by Marko Perković, a.k.a. Tompson in Zagreb, dedicated to the capital’s defenders, was attended by a crowd of over 100,000, media say.

Izvor: B92

Saturday, 31.05.2008.


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Last night’s concert by Marko Perkovic, a.k.a. Tompson in Zagreb, dedicated to the capital’s defenders, was attended by a crowd of over 100,000, media say. Even though the Croatian Helsinki Committee, Jewish associations, and even President Stjepan Mesic all objected to the concert because of the preponderance of Ustasha and fascist insignia, he was welcomed on stage with chants of “Kill, kill the Serb”. 100,000 flock to pro-Ustasha singer's concert Several members of Croatia’s political and acting community were also in attendance. Despite police warnings prior to the concert that anyone carrying Ustasha or fascist insignia would be arrested, caps and scarves with ustasha iconography were scattered all around, particularly on the heads and around the necks of euphoric teenagers, while one Tompson fan even turned up with a swastika flag in his hands. The most vocal were a group of young fans going through their regular repertoire of chants, including “Anyone sitting down is Orthodox”. In spite of the fact he and his army of fans greet each other with raised right fists, the controversial singer claims that his fans are big anti-fascists. After the concert, Perkovic was unable to explain why he had been banned from holding concerts in Austria and Switzerland. The president of the Association of Disabled Croat Soldiers of the Homeland War called on the media to be objective, and to write that there had been no outlawed insignia or songs. Tompson (B92)

100,000 flock to pro-Ustasha singer's concert

Several members of Croatia’s political and acting community were also in attendance.

Despite police warnings prior to the concert that anyone carrying Ustasha or fascist insignia would be arrested, caps and scarves with ustasha iconography were scattered all around, particularly on the heads and around the necks of euphoric teenagers, while one Tompson fan even turned up with a swastika flag in his hands.

The most vocal were a group of young fans going through their regular repertoire of chants, including “Anyone sitting down is Orthodox”.

In spite of the fact he and his army of fans greet each other with raised right fists, the controversial singer claims that his fans are big anti-fascists.

After the concert, Perković was unable to explain why he had been banned from holding concerts in Austria and Switzerland.

The president of the Association of Disabled Croat Soldiers of the Homeland War called on the media to be objective, and to write that there had been no outlawed insignia or songs.

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