Ex-Bosnian region leader released from prison

Former Bosnian businessman and politician Fikret Abdić was released from prison in Pula, Croatia, and welcomed by several thousand of his supporters.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 09.03.2012.


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Former Bosnian businessman and politician Fikret Abdic was released from prison in Pula, Croatia, and welcomed by several thousand of his supporters. Abdic, who was put on trial in Croatia and found guilty of committing war crimes during the 1992-95 war in Bosnia, told the gathered citizens that he would soon return to the Bosnian town of Velika Kladusa. Ex-Bosnian region leader released from prison He told his supporters that he would fight to renew the pre-war Agrokomerc company he used to run, adding that foreign investors were welcome. “I will not return to Kladusa today because I have to take care of my papers and I call on all of you to go home,” he told the gathered supporters. Abdic was released from prison this morning after serving two thirds of his 15-year-long sentence for war crimes. The authorities have announced that there are no obstacles that could prevent him from being involved in the politics in the future, as long as it did not violate rules of his parole. Abdic, himself a Muslim (Bosniak), was an Agrokomerc director for a long period of time and he founded the Autonomous Province of Western Bosnia in 1993. In 2003 a Croatian court sentenced him to 20 years in prison for war crimes committed in Cazinska Krajina during conflicts with Muslim-dominated Army of Bosnia-Herzegovina. His sentence was reduced to 15 years in prison in 2005. More than 3,000 supporters from various parts of Bosnia-Herzegovina and other European countries arrived in 40 busses and numerous cars to greet him in front of the prison in Pula. His supporters put up Abdic’s photos on buses and some even wore T-shirts with his pictures. While the supporters gave Abdic (nicknamed Babo) a warm welcome, former members of Army of Bosnia-Herzegovina’s 5th Corps stated that they would not allow him to “start undermining Bosnia-Herzegovina again”. They believe Abdic is a “traitor, a tool in the hands of Slobodan Milosevic and Radovan Karadzic, whose policy in Cazinska Krajina led to grave crimes and bloody divisions”. Fikret Abdic (Tanjug) B92 Tanjug

Ex-Bosnian region leader released from prison

He told his supporters that he would fight to renew the pre-war Agrokomerc company he used to run, adding that foreign investors were welcome.

“I will not return to Kladuša today because I have to take care of my papers and I call on all of you to go home,” he told the gathered supporters.

Abdić was released from prison this morning after serving two thirds of his 15-year-long sentence for war crimes.

The authorities have announced that there are no obstacles that could prevent him from being involved in the politics in the future, as long as it did not violate rules of his parole.

Abdić, himself a Muslim (Bosniak), was an Agrokomerc director for a long period of time and he founded the Autonomous Province of Western Bosnia in 1993.

In 2003 a Croatian court sentenced him to 20 years in prison for war crimes committed in Cazinska Krajina during conflicts with Muslim-dominated Army of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

His sentence was reduced to 15 years in prison in 2005.

More than 3,000 supporters from various parts of Bosnia-Herzegovina and other European countries arrived in 40 busses and numerous cars to greet him in front of the prison in Pula.

His supporters put up Abdić’s photos on buses and some even wore T-shirts with his pictures.

While the supporters gave Abdić (nicknamed Babo) a warm welcome, former members of Army of Bosnia-Herzegovina’s 5th Corps stated that they would not allow him to “start undermining Bosnia-Herzegovina again”.

They believe Abdić is a “traitor, a tool in the hands of Slobodan Milošević and Radovan Karadžić, whose policy in Cazinska Krajina led to grave crimes and bloody divisions”.

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