"Cooperation with NATO should reflect Serbia's needs"

Cooperation with NATO "should reflect Serbia's needs," Defense Minister Bratislav Gasic said on Wednesday as he met with a high ranking NATO official.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 05.03.2015.


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"Cooperation with NATO should reflect Serbia's needs"

Gasic said, after meeting with Commander of Allied Joint Force Command Admiral Mark Ferguson, that Serbia was "actively contributing to the development of the EU Common Security and Defense Policy, in accordance with clear foreign policy priorities, such as the EU membership," the Ministry of Defense released in a statement.

The officials concluded that the adoption of the Individual Partnership Action Plan between Serbia and NATO stands as the highest level of cooperation with a partner state, which has not opted for the NATO membership.

The adoption of this plan represents a clear message that Serbia wants to foster cooperation with NATO, primarily on the political level, the statement reads.

The topics of the meeting, which was attended by Serbian Army Chief of General Staff General Ljubisa Dikovic, were military cooperation between Serbia and NATO under the auspices of the Partnership for Peace, cooperation between the Serbian Army and KFOR, and regional cooperation in the field of defense and security.

Both parties underlined that they are satisfied with the cooperation through programs and mechanisms of the Partnership for Peace program, the ministry stated.

Gasic pointed out that through the development of cooperation and dialogue, Serbia wants to contribute to regional and global stability, the statement reads.

Gasic thanked KFOR for the professional approach in implementing the mandate given to it by UNSC Resolution 1244.

He stressed that the Serbian army's cooperation with KFOR is excellent on all levels, the statement says.

Serbia is "clearly committed to developing and promoting cooperation with the countries in the region, and that cooperation is one of Serbia's foreign policy priorities," said Gasic.

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