Hungarian extremists arrested in Vojvodina town

Five members of extremist right-wing Hungarian organizations are facing criminal charges for violent behavior reported over the weekend.

Izvor: Beta

Monday, 22.10.2012.


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NOVI SAD Five members of extremist right-wing Hungarian organizations are facing criminal charges for violent behavior reported over the weekend. They caused incidents in a tavern in the town of Temerin in the province of Vojvodina, northern Serbia, during the night between Saturday and Sunday. Hungarian extremists arrested in Vojvodina town According to reports, they were shouting Nazi slogans, and proceeded to lightly injure two young men. The first incident happened when the five, "visibly inebriated", started shouting the slogans and raising their hands to mimic the Nazi salute. The establishment's security reacted by throwing them out into the street. One there, the group attacked the two men, identified as Denis R. and Mirko B. Police intervened to stop the fight, the media are reporting, and adding that the extremists had traveled to Temerin from the towns of Senta and Ada. Beta

Hungarian extremists arrested in Vojvodina town

According to reports, they were shouting Nazi slogans, and proceeded to lightly injure two young men.

The first incident happened when the five, "visibly inebriated", started shouting the slogans and raising their hands to mimic the Nazi salute.

The establishment's security reacted by throwing them out into the street.

One there, the group attacked the two men, identified as Denis R. and Mirko B.

Police intervened to stop the fight, the media are reporting, and adding that the extremists had traveled to Temerin from the towns of Senta and Ada.

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