Serbia to host refugee conference

Belgrade will host a conference devoted to the problems of the local integration of refugees in Serbia on October 22.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 15.10.2007.


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Belgrade will host a conference devoted to the problems of the local integration of refugees in Serbia on October 22. The event will be entitled, “Local Integration, Law, Practice and Recommendations”, the office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has confirmed to Tanjug. Serbia to host refugee conference The conference will present the results of 11 forums organized by the UNHCR and OSCE in 2007 on issues facing refugees in the process of integration into their local community. According to official data, 97,672 refugees live in Serbia, of whom 1,927 have been placed in collective centers, while there are a further 200,000 former refugees who have been granted Serbian citizenship, but who need assistance in the integration process. The UNHCR has so far invested a total of USD 103mn in the local integration project, of which USD 24mn was spent on the construction of housing units.

Serbia to host refugee conference

The conference will present the results of 11 forums organized by the UNHCR and OSCE in 2007 on issues facing refugees in the process of integration into their local community.

According to official data, 97,672 refugees live in Serbia, of whom 1,927 have been placed in collective centers, while there are a further 200,000 former refugees who have been granted Serbian citizenship, but who need assistance in the integration process.

The UNHCR has so far invested a total of USD 103mn in the local integration project, of which USD 24mn was spent on the construction of housing units.

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