U.S. "preparing to change Bosnian constitution"

The U.S. launched "a serious and wide-reaching diplomatic initiative for a constitutional reconstruction of the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina", said reports.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 02.10.2012.


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SARAJEVO The U.S. launched "a serious and wide-reaching diplomatic initiative for a constitutional reconstruction of the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina", said reports. The outlines of the planned reconstruction remain unknown, but the results "will be visible as early as by mid-2013", sources with insider knowledge have been quoted. U.S. "preparing to change Bosnian constitution" Political circles in both Bosnian entities have been "caught by surprise", and are "aware that this would represent a huge reconstruction of the Dayton, which means that the constitutional structure of the state might be next on the agenda". After the 1992-95 war in Bosnia-Herzegovina, which ended with the Dayton Accords, the country was organized in two entities: the Serb Republic (RS) and the Muslim Croat Federation (FBiH). The latter entity is further sub-divided into cantons. Diplomatic sources have given what seem to be "logical" reasons for the reconstruction of the Federation, which now has 11 governments and assemblies, more than a hundred ministers, and hundreds of advisers, assistants, drivers and other staff. Legal expert Cazim Sadikovic also described their performance as "catastrophic", and in that context said the U.S. initiative "cannot be surprising". Local media in Bosnia are reporting that expert groups have already been set up and are preparing an international conference for early next year. Although it seems that the initiative concerns only the Federation, it actually relates to the constitutional arrangement of the whole country, as its implementation would represent the first large-scale change to the peace agreement. For this reason, Mostar University professor Mile Lasic believes that "no reconstruction can be done using legal means", nor should a thorough change of constitutional structures be expected. Meanwhile, the Office of the High Representative (OHR) "confirmed that something serious was under way", but its spokesman would not reveal whether this international institution would be taking part in the initiative. Tanjug news agency is quoting a report in the Sarajevo daily Dnevni Avaz that said the Americans "have already secured the support of partners in the international community, including the EU, and preliminary contacts with political leaders show there is readiness for changes in the Federation". According to the newspaper, the initiative covers all options: decreasing the number of cantons, changing cantonal borders, transferring certain competencies, abolishing offices and other changes aimed at making the structure of the Federation more efficient. The only option not offered in the initiative is further division along national lines and the possibility of denying the rights of one of the three constituent peoples. (file) B92 Tanjug

U.S. "preparing to change Bosnian constitution"

Political circles in both Bosnian entities have been "caught by surprise", and are "aware that this would represent a huge reconstruction of the Dayton, which means that the constitutional structure of the state might be next on the agenda".

After the 1992-95 war in Bosnia-Herzegovina, which ended with the Dayton Accords, the country was organized in two entities: the Serb Republic (RS) and the Muslim Croat Federation (FBiH). The latter entity is further sub-divided into cantons.

Diplomatic sources have given what seem to be "logical" reasons for the reconstruction of the Federation, which now has 11 governments and assemblies, more than a hundred ministers, and hundreds of advisers, assistants, drivers and other staff.

Legal expert Ćazim Sadiković also described their performance as "catastrophic", and in that context said the U.S. initiative "cannot be surprising".

Local media in Bosnia are reporting that expert groups have already been set up and are preparing an international conference for early next year. Although it seems that the initiative concerns only the Federation, it actually relates to the constitutional arrangement of the whole country, as its implementation would represent the first large-scale change to the peace agreement.

For this reason, Mostar University professor Mile Lasić believes that "no reconstruction can be done using legal means", nor should a thorough change of constitutional structures be expected.

Meanwhile, the Office of the High Representative (OHR) "confirmed that something serious was under way", but its spokesman would not reveal whether this international institution would be taking part in the initiative.

Tanjug news agency is quoting a report in the Sarajevo daily Dnevni Avaz that said the Americans "have already secured the support of partners in the international community, including the EU, and preliminary contacts with political leaders show there is readiness for changes in the Federation".

According to the newspaper, the initiative covers all options: decreasing the number of cantons, changing cantonal borders, transferring certain competencies, abolishing offices and other changes aimed at making the structure of the Federation more efficient.

The only option not offered in the initiative is further division along national lines and the possibility of denying the rights of one of the three constituent peoples.

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