EU's enlargement policy as "special challenge"

Serbia will continue to support EU aspirations of its neighbors and implement a policy of military neutrality, protecting and promoting its national interests.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 29.06.2017.


EU's enlargement policy as

EU's enlargement policy as "special challenge"

According to the government, Dacic said that events in the political and security global plan since the beginning of the 21st century have changed the world in many aspects, with the inability to predict what security challenges are ahead of us.

"The only thing we can say with certainty is that today's security challenges have become global, and at the same time affecting more countries and regions simultaneously and going beyond the borders the continents. Serbia firmly believes in the achievement of the principles of humanity and human solidarity and cooperation and, in that sense, has always advocated for the establishment and development of partnership and friendly relations with all countries of the region, Europe and the world," he said.

According to Dacic, Belgrade is "committed to interstate and inter-ethnic relations based on civilizational norms and international law."

"With the eruption of the migrant crisis, Serbia found itself faced with a problem that could not be solved by unilateral measures, but solely through a unified and solidarity solution. Our activities on this plan have received the highest possible rating and international recognition. For Serbia and the region, a special challenge is the policy of enlargement of the European Union and the consequences and uncertainties that it brings. Serbia still sees full membership in the European Union as its strategic national goal," the minister said, and added:

"Undertaken courageous political and economic steps in Serbia have been recognized in the European Union, but I am sure that we as well as the European Union we can and should do better."

"An integral part of the European process of Serbia is also the promotion of regional cooperation both at the bilateral and multilateral level. We want to speak honestly and constructively on all outstanding issues, and, together with our neighbors, to find solutions that will be permanent and sustainable," Dacic said.

Serbia has achieved political stability and wants to build its economy on this basis, attract foreign investments, make up for lost time and contribute to the stability of the region, he said.

"Our country strongly strengthens the infrastructural network of the entire Western Balkans, contributing to the greatest extent to transport, energy, economic integration and the improvement of youth cooperation, with the aim of strengthening internal capacities and thus bringing this part of Europe closer to the Union. Serbia has proven and proves to be a credible and reliable partner. We are firmly committed to working with partners in the world to contribute to the fight against threats at regional, European and global levels," Dacic said.

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