Democrats lose majority in K. Mitrovica

The Democratic Party (DS) and the coalition gathered around them no longer have a majority in the city assembly of Kosovska Mitrovica.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 25.10.2010.


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The Democratic Party (DS) and the coalition gathered around them no longer have a majority in the city assembly of Kosovska Mitrovica. After the early municipal elections in this Kosovo town in May, DS and their partners had 16 councilors, while the Serb Progressives (SNS) and DSS parties won 14 assembly seats. Democrats lose majority in K. Mitrovica However, four days ago, two councilors from the ranks of DS allies Rasim Ljajic's Social-Democrats (SDPS), switched sides to join SNS and DSS, and the municipal administration was voted out. From a pro-European authority to the Progressives and DSS, is the short of the current situation in Kosovska Mitrovica. G17 Plus provincial Kosovo board chief Stojanka Petkovic say that former coalition partners experienced misunderstandings when distributing top local administration jobs, which she said took too long and was done by the Democrats. Petkovic also stated she could not say whether SDPS councilors who switched sides previously came under pressure from someone. The DS party officials in Kosovo were not available for comment this Monday. "What I do know is that the procedure was not honored, and that the chief of Rasim Ljajic's (party) group had no right to sign the verification of mandates," said Petkovic. "I believe that mistake should be corrected. We're waiting to hear from the Republic Electoral Commission." New Kosovska Mitrovica Mayor Krstimir Pantic (SNS) has rejected claims that the mandates of the two councilors who played central role had not been registered in time, says the session that saw the ruling local coalition replaced was entirely legal, and that there is no legal basis to overturn the decisions made that day. "On October 21 we gathered together 16 councilors and brought down the old administration, and I believe Mr. Oliver Ivanovic ought to concede that in this case, democracy was at play, that is to say, that 16 councilors is more than 13, which is how many they had that day," said Pantic. SNPS party official Meho Omerovic commented by saying that the Kosovska Mitrovica councilors from their ranks who joined SNS and DSS were in fact trading with their mandates, and said this situation was a direct consequence of the recent Constitutional Court decision, which said that mandates belong to councilors and MPs, rather than to the parties they come from. "This is about political bargaining and selling of something that doesn't belong to them. It's a precedent, and a mandate market of sorts has been opened ," said Omerovic. "As one of the two councilors said, he got an apartment, some money, jobs were promised to the members of his family, and this in itself poses the question of how the state should react and whether competent organs will investigate what had happened," Omerovic concluded. Kosovska Mitrovica (FoNet, file)

Democrats lose majority in K. Mitrovica

However, four days ago, two councilors from the ranks of DS allies Rasim Ljajić's Social-Democrats (SDPS), switched sides to join SNS and DSS, and the municipal administration was voted out.

From a pro-European authority to the Progressives and DSS, is the short of the current situation in Kosovska Mitrovica. G17 Plus provincial Kosovo board chief Stojanka Petković say that former coalition partners experienced misunderstandings when distributing top local administration jobs, which she said took too long and was done by the Democrats.

Petković also stated she could not say whether SDPS councilors who switched sides previously came under pressure from someone.

The DS party officials in Kosovo were not available for comment this Monday.

"What I do know is that the procedure was not honored, and that the chief of Rasim Ljajić's (party) group had no right to sign the verification of mandates," said Petković. "I believe that mistake should be corrected. We're waiting to hear from the Republic Electoral Commission."

New Kosovska Mitrovica Mayor Krstimir Pantić (SNS) has rejected claims that the mandates of the two councilors who played central role had not been registered in time, says the session that saw the ruling local coalition replaced was entirely legal, and that there is no legal basis to overturn the decisions made that day.

"On October 21 we gathered together 16 councilors and brought down the old administration, and I believe Mr. Oliver Ivanović ought to concede that in this case, democracy was at play, that is to say, that 16 councilors is more than 13, which is how many they had that day," said Pantić.

SNPS party official Meho Omerović commented by saying that the Kosovska Mitrovica councilors from their ranks who joined SNS and DSS were in fact trading with their mandates, and said this situation was a direct consequence of the recent Constitutional Court decision, which said that mandates belong to councilors and MPs, rather than to the parties they come from.

"This is about political bargaining and selling of something that doesn't belong to them. It's a precedent, and a mandate market of sorts has been opened ," said Omerović.

"As one of the two councilors said, he got an apartment, some money, jobs were promised to the members of his family, and this in itself poses the question of how the state should react and whether competent organs will investigate what had happened," Omerović concluded.

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