PM Brnabic on official visit to Norway

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic starts an official two-day visit to the Kingdom of Norway on 22 November by a meeting with Norwegian Prime Minister Ernen Solberg.


Wednesday, 22.11.2017.


PM Brnabic on official visit to Norway
(Tanjug, file)

PM Brnabic on official visit to Norway

After the meeting, press statements are planned for the prime ministers of Serbia and Norway.

Brnabic will meet with the director of the Confederation of Norwegian Employers Kristin Skogen Lund, on the day of the first day of the visit.

It is a leading organization of Norwegian employers, which brings together small family businesses and large multinational companies.

At the meeting with the Director of the Confederation of Norwegian Employers, the Prime Minister of Serbia will present the results in the field of economic reforms and improvement of the investment climate in Serbia, primarily the potentials of IT sectors, start-ups and innovative entrepreneurship and creative industries.

Brnabic will also attend the opening of the Marina Abramovic exhibition at the Henie Onstad art center.

This is a retrospective exhibition titled "The Cleaner", which will feature more than 120 works created over the past 50 years.

The Prime Minister and members of the delegation will visit the Nobel Museum and the Museum of Modern Art in Oslo.

Brnabic will also meet representatives of the Serbian Diaspora in Norway.

On the first day of the visit to Oslo, a part of the delegation of the government of Serbia will visit the organization "Innovation Norway", which is engaged in innovation and entrepreneurship, and "Startup Village", which brings together entrepreneurs and start-up companies.

The goal of the visit to the Kingdom of Norway is to improve the overall political relations of the two countries and further develop economic and economic cooperation, primarily in the IT sector, innovative entrepreneurship and education, which is all part of the digitalization agenda and one of the priorities of the government of Serbia.

During her visit to Oslo, Brnabic will meet with top officials of that country, as well as representatives of business associations and companies.

The delegation with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia will also include President of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce Marko Cadez and Director of the Museum of Contemporary Art Slobodan Nakarada.

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