"Greece has no plans to recognize Kosovo"

Greece "still has no plans to recognize Kosovo," and the Greek deputy prime minister confirmed this, Albanian language media in Priština are reporting.

Izvor: Beta

Thursday, 20.02.2014.


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"Greece has no plans to recognize Kosovo"

Kohavision TV said on Wednesday that Venizelos "directly confirmed it" after his meeting with Thaci.

Thaci, on the other hand, said that Kosovo would soon open an office in Athens "with the goal of cooperation with that country," the Koha Ditore daily is reporting.

The newspaper also writes that Venizelos said that Greece "supports Kosovo's EU integration," and "avoided answering direct questions about when Greece will recognize Kosovo," Beta reported.

Greece is one of EU's five countries that have not recognized the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo, made six years ago.

Venizelos was in Belgrade on Tuesday.

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