Rice: Now for Mladić

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice hopes that Ratko Mladić will be the next Hague fugitive to be caught.

Izvor: Beta

Thursday, 24.07.2008.


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U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice hopes that Ratko Mladic will be the next Hague fugitive to be caught. “The Serbs are gradually closing a dreadful chapter in their history, and I hope that Mladic will be next,“ Rice told journalists in Singapore, where she is taking part at a meeting of the Security Asia Forum. Rice: Now for Mladic Speaking of Radovan Karadzic’s arrest, she said that “it’s hard to use the word victory, bearing in mind the cruelty that he was responsible for.“ Rice added that she hoped that the arrest would nevertheless “heal some of the wounds for those who suffered because of his policies.“ Rice with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov yesterday (FoNet)

Rice: Now for Mladić

Speaking of Radovan Karadžić’s arrest, she said that “it’s hard to use the word victory, bearing in mind the cruelty that he was responsible for.“

Rice added that she hoped that the arrest would nevertheless “heal some of the wounds for those who suffered because of his policies.“

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