Parliament adopts 2007 budget

The Serbian Parliament has adopted the Law on Budget after a lengthy debate on its amendments Friday.

Izvor: B92

Saturday, 23.06.2007.


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Parliament adopts 2007 budget

The budget garnered support of 133 lawmakers from the ruling coalition comprised of the Democratic Party (DS), Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) and G17 Plus.

All opposition parties, including the Serb Radical Party (SRS), Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians (SVM) and the League of Vojvodina Social Democrats (LSV), voted against.

Expected budgetary expenditure is 27 percent higher in comparison to the 2006 figure.

EUR 543mn have been set aside for the National Investment Plan (NIP), four times more than in 2006.

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