Kosovo election results announced

The Democratic Party of Kosovo has 14 municipalities, the Democratic Union of Kosovo 6, and the Alliance for Kosovo’s Future 3.

Izvor: Beta

Saturday, 15.12.2007.


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The Democratic Party of Kosovo has 14 municipalities, the Democratic Union of Kosovo 6, and the Alliance for Kosovo’s Future 3. The Democratic Party of Kosovo will have presidents in 14 municipalities, announced the Central Electoral Commission. Kosovo election results announced The Democratic Union of Kosovo is in second place with control of 6 local authorities, while Alliance of Kosovo’s Future will run three. After the 48-hour deadline for lodging appeals has passed, UNMIK Chief Joachim Ruecker will confirm the results and thus open the way to the formation of new municipal assemblies. The turnout in the second round of elections was 31 percent, which OSCE chief and Central Electoral Commission President (CIK) Guldimann termed satisfactory. The Democratic Party of Kosovo has now won the elections at all three levels: parliamentary, local, and municipal. According to CIK Secretariat Executive Director Mazum Baraljija, just under EUR 6mn was spent on this year’s Kosovo elections.

Kosovo election results announced

The Democratic Union of Kosovo is in second place with control of 6 local authorities, while Alliance of Kosovo’s Future will run three.

After the 48-hour deadline for lodging appeals has passed, UNMIK Chief Joachim Ruecker will confirm the results and thus open the way to the formation of new municipal assemblies.

The turnout in the second round of elections was 31 percent, which OSCE chief and Central Electoral Commission President (CIK) Guldimann termed satisfactory.

The Democratic Party of Kosovo has now won the elections at all three levels: parliamentary, local, and municipal.

According to CIK Secretariat Executive Director Mazum Baraljija, just under EUR 6mn was spent on this year’s Kosovo elections.

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